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Author's Notes

Well, here we are again.

At the end of another book. A book that had germinated from a Ficmas Wish over on Rockfic from @live_wiree. So, thank you, sweetie, for the prompt and subsequent pokes to get more of this duo out of me. It's been a blast getting to know Izzy and I hope I've done him justice.

Thanks go, as always, to you guys for sticking with me. I've been sucking lately at replies as of late, so for that, I do apologise most sincerely.

And behind the scenes...well, I keep getting in trouble when I mention in public how much I appreciate this particular person's help. But I think by now you all know who that is❤️❤️

As for the story today...you're going to want your tissues handy and some popcorn. It's one doozy of a ride.

❤️Love you guys❤️


PS...next week...any guesses on what it might be?🤐🤐😉😈


Seven Years Gone

Christmas Eve

Richie POV

"Damn it, it's cold out there," Richie grumbled as he closed the door. He shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the hook near the back door. "Daddy's home," he called out as he toed out of his boots.

There was a clatter of noise from the living room as he heard Izzy's voice from another room. "Go get him, you two."

Richie chuckled and braced himself for the onslaught of the exuberant greeting he was about to get. He was suddenly engulfed in soft, shaggy fur, wet tongues and cold noses as their furbabies launched themselves at him. "Hey you two," he cooed, dropping to a knee to give each one their kisses and scratches.

"You're home early," Izzy said.

Richie looked up at his gypsy-boy, lounging against the doorframe, waiting for his turn. "I can say the same to you, babe," he said, standing as Izzy took a step closer. He pulled Izzy closer and dropped his lips to his lover's as the dogs snuffled around them, sniffing at Richie's legs. "Where's Ma and Dad?" he asked after they were forced apart by two sets of paws. "Molly, you're such a jealous girl," he chided the large mixed breed dog that demanded his attention. "Milo is being a good boy, why can't you do the same?"

"Coz you've spoiled her," Izzy chuckled.

"Never enough spoiling for my babies," he grinned shamelessly.

"They borrowed my car to go do some last-minute shopping," Izzy replied, referring back to Richie's earlier question. "I just hope it's not more groceries. The fridge is bursting at the seams as it is. Tomorrow can't come soon enough."

"Babe, you did offer to have Christmas here though," Richie reminded him.

"I know," Izzy shrugged. "But I thought it was about time. We've been to the folks' every other year."

On the flight home from Thanksgiving with Richie's parents five years ago, they'd talked the whole flight about their plans for the future, starting with Izzy handing over any pills to Richie to dispose of as soon as they got home, promising to ask for help next time things got too bad and agreeing to work and save as much as they could for an old dump of a house to renovate.

Max had let Richie take on as many shifts as he could manage without running himself into the ground and, in a huge surprise, promoted him to the manager of a smaller second store. He also picked up shifts whenever he could, at one of the bars that Izzy worked at.

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