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I was out of breath by the time I got to Tom's house.
My entire body was aching...

I'm glad I made it... I'm glad mum didn't end up finding me..
I just hope that she doesn't complain to dad and they end up coming to get me.
Knowing my luck, it's likely...

After cooling down a bit, I knocked at the door of the Simon's residence.
A few moments later, the door opens to reveal Motherinnit.

"Oh, Y/N--- oh goodness, what happened?" Her tone of voice imideately changed upon seeing my current state.

"It's nothing much... I thought I was running late so I sprinted here..." I tried playing it off, hoping for my distress not to show.

She stares at me for a moment longer, analyzing me. She then lets out a sigh, seeming to pass off my words as the truth.

"...Okay. Uhh- Tom's upstairs, so head up when you're ready." She tells me, inviting me inside the place. I walked in, closing the door behind me, "..You should probably grab a drink before you go up too."

"Th- thank you Mrs. Simons.." I say.

With that she begins to walk upstairs.

'Water? no water..?', I think to myself.






I headed upstairs, making my way to Tom's room.

The house looks a little different than it did a few days ago, nothing too major, but it somewhat had a few things changed. I think that's a different rug--?

Once I got to Tom's room, I knocked on the door, opening it a few seconds later after I heard his voice tell me to enter.

I saw him turned around in his chair, facing me. When he realizes it was me he somewhat seemed a little startled.

...his gaze kept fixated on me.

uhh-- was he just gonna keep staring at me?

I usually didn't mind people staring at me, I found it more funny then anything now. But when Tom stared at me it always made me start feeling a little uncomfortable-- in a good way. wait- is there even a good way of being uncomfortable? uh, whatever. It's just fucking weird now.

..What can I do to make him stop staring at me?




Oh! Got it!

"..Here, catch!" 

I then toss over his hoodie he had lent me during Wednesday.
He only seemed to stop at the last second, fumbling a bit as he caught hold of the hoodie.

"Ah- uhh.. thanks..." He says to me, tossing the hoodie over and onto his bed.

He then gestures a hand over to another chair that was placed besides him.

'I guess he wants me to sit down?'

I hesitantly and slowly began to walk over.
The room was quiet, it felt like my world in a whole went entirely mute. It was only when I sat down was when the silence was officially broken.

"..You're wearing some interesting clothes today" He comments.

"Uh, yeah. Luca lent me this..." I told him, "I envy her for a lot of the stuff she owns, they're all so eye pleasing..."

Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن