Welcome Ranmaru!!

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No one's P.O.V
Ranmaru was walking to his new college, in peace and quiet he was deep in thought so he didn't realize the fact that they way he turned had no students walking the same way. His most recent thought was ' am I too wired for this college?' And ' how did I even get in?' Ranmaru knew this was a college with lots of clubs so there was a possibility to make friends.

Then he heard it, something was in the bushes he left out of the way and bolted, not even turning to see what or who was there. Then he heard voices talking, once he believed  he was far enough he turned around to face the spot he'd been standing in minutes ago, only to see a group of people staring at him. Creeped out he began to walk away, when someone called out to him. "Hey! You!" He looked back to see a pretty boy around two years older than him jogging towards him, the rest of the group followed behind they boy. Ranmaru seemed confused, then he thought he got it " A-am I I-in the way?" He asked.

The pretty boy responded with "Uhhh, No you're fine, wanted to ask your name" Ranmaru was shocked no had ever asked his name before. "I-I'm R-Ranmaru" he replied stuttering. The boy seemed to think for a moment then said " I'm Izumi Samura! The rest behind me are the art club."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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