Good things must come to an end

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"I hate to break up this whole cuddle session thingy, but I have to be back in time for swim practice." I mumbled against Alison's shoulder.

"Fine. Leave me." She faked being angry.

"I will." I smirked and she turned around to face me.

"You aren't going to leave me, right?" She stroked my cheek and I put pressure on her hand, craving her touch.

"Right." She kissed me softly before letting me up to go and change for swim.
I dove into the water, loving the feeling of freedom I got whenever I actually swam.
After I finished my swim sets, which luckily weren't too bad today, I got out.

"Emily! Hey! Where were you today?" Ben called out to me as I was drying off.

"I had a lot of appointments." I lied easily. He was be pissed if he knew I was with Alison.

"Listen, about yesterday...." He trailed off tucking his hand into his shorts.

"I'm listening." I snapped as if him just saying that would make me forgive him.

"I'm really sorry I don't know what came over me." Ben looked close to tears.

"It's fine Ben but it's getting really old and the next time anything like that happens, we're done."

"I completely understand." Ben rushed over to give me a hug but I stopped him.

"No physical things until you can learn to control yourself." Really, I didn't feel any attraction for Ben anymore but he also needed to control himself.

"Geez babe. But okay, I respect that."

I smiled at him but as soon as my back was turned to him I rolled my eyes.

"Can we hang out tonight?" He asked desperately as I put my towel over my shoulder.

"I don't know." I answered honestly, "I'll text you and let you know."

"Okay. Em?" She took my hands.

"Yes?" I asked impatiently.

"I love you." He kissed me softly and I was glad I didn't have to reply.
"Ali? You're still here?" I asked as I got to my room.

"Yeah, your mom said I could stay..." She looked down shyly but I hugged her, "ew, you smell like chlorine."

"Life of a swimmer!" I pumped my muscles that didn't exist and she just rolled her eyes.

"Go take a shower you dork." She kissed me sweetly on the cheek and I blushed.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I teased taking off one of the straps on my suit.

"Well, considering you never even asked me in the first place..." She smirked but I could see the desire behind her eyes. I noticed that her eyes turned a cloudy blue whenever she was turned on.

I just have to say that it was extremely freaking sexy.

"Mm true. Maybe next time." I pointed my finger out the door motioning to my mom.

Alison nodded her head but bit her lip, "the things I would do to you..." She muttered under her breath.

"I heard that!" I winked as I closed the door to my bathroom to take a shower.

Every time Emily got anywhere near me, I absolutely lost it. I was falling so hard for her and I didn't even know why. If she found out about my past would she still look at me the same? Would she still want to be with me? Would she even acknowledge my existence in public?

I hadn't thought about that. Would she want to hang out at school? My thoughts then traveled to Ben and I got angry thinking about him holding her instead of me.

"Umm I forgot clothes so can you like turn around and clothes your eyes?" Emily opened the door to the bathroom and peeked out, steam coming off of her body.

She was literally hot.

"Ew I wouldn't want to see that anyways." I cupped my hands over my eyes but made a little peephole with my fingers. She ran out with the towel wrapped around her. I felt her coming near me so I covered up my little spy area.

"Yes, you would." Emily whispered huskily in my ear.

Oh god I couldn't contain myself.

"Emily, it's probably best if you go." I whispered back, squeezing my hands over my eyes.

"I know, I know." She ran back into the bathroom and I finally relaxed.
"I don't really want to over stay my welcome, can you drive me to Mona's?" I rocked back and forth on my feet.

"On one condition." Emily put her finger up.

"What?" I asked, curious.

"I need your number, duh!" She used my word and I smiled.

"Hmmm....I don't know." I teased.

"Alison DiLaurentis, do you want me to fight you?" She mocked me from earlier.

"Fighting you seems kinda fun." I stuck my tongue out childishly at her.

"Oh hurry up and give me your number." She crossed her arms pretending to be angry.

"On one condition." I smirked.

"Stop copying me."

"Kiss me."

She raised an eyebrow but placed her lips gently on mine.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

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