The info

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Sabito, Makomo, Urokodaki, The Tomioka, The Rengoku & The Kamado family all know each other, they all sometimes go to the Kamado's and the Tomioka when they have time

When Giyuu's sister died they were at the Kamado's, so when Nezuko turned into a demon Giyuu got also got turned into one, Sabito was also helping with selling coal since he had 2 weeks off (Here Sabito was already a demon slayer)

Makomo and Urokodaki were both chilling in Urokodaki's house
Makomo also had 2 weeks off so she stayed at Urokodaki's place and the next day she would go to the Kamado's because Tanjiro and Giyuu where also there

Sabito , Makomo and Giyuu and the water hashira trios they were all exceptional since they are all very powerful

Note: Tanjiro and Nezuko would sometimes go to the water mansion and look at Sabito and Makomo train or just stay there for a few days

Now imma start this story ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*

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