-Chapter 7-

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-Chapter 7-

-Ze's POV-

I tap my pencil against my desk waiting with GaLm for Chilled.

God this man. I've only known him for like a day or two but man he's the best guy I have met. He actually listens to me and is there for me when I need him, which will be a lot. He's just so God Damn amazing! Like, I like him.. not just as a friend but as in like like him more than a friend.

"GaLm..." I start off saying.

How should I pharse it?!

"Erm..." I say.

"What Ze?" GaLm asks me.

"Chilled is such an amazing guy! I've only known him for a few days but He's abulsoutely devine! He's so fit and he's so caring!!" I blurt whining.

"You like him, don't you?" GaLm asks laughing.

"I DON't KNOW GALM!" I whine loudly.

GaLm laughs at my frustration.

Chilled walks into the frame. He's wearing a dark blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans.

"Do I look okay?" Chilled asks.

"Perfect!" I say smiling.

"What he said!" GaLm says.

Chilled smiles.

"Thanks guys!" He says walking out of the frame again.

"So... Fricken'... Cute!!" I giggle.

"Gosh! You must like him!" GaLm exclaims.

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