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Well everyone, I'm going to just get it out and just up and say it.

I'm retiring or quitting Wattpad.

So soon? Well, as you guys can tell, I've been gone and back for months lately. There isn't any reason to sugar coat it. I'm done.

For the past 4 years, all that's happened is good and bad things. 4 relationships, only one going well. Friends being around, only some still remaining. Enemies and such all gone.

In the end, all I can say is that this place to me used to be an area that I could go to and escape my life. Now it's just a place that I don't even think I can ever call home anymore.

It's just a place that I returned to each time hoping things would be different. Less heart break, less conflict, less loss of losing friends and those that I cared for.

The final straw was witnessing my ex almost be with other people and realizing that I couldn't go back and that I would always be second best. That sounds kind of I guess maybe childish, selfish...? Idk.. all I know is that this place is basically in the words or title of one of Green Day's songs, "A boulevard of broken dreams."

I'll say this. It was fun while it lasted but in the end after being for 4 years I've been nothing but miserable. The feeling of manipulated, lied to, and also hurt is what made me want to leave. Not to mention also just the constant drama and conflict with everyone and then most being depressed because others wouldn't give them a chance.

This place was supposed to be a place where you could be free from reality and be who you wanted to be and if you wanted to open yourself up to others of who you really are yo7 could. But again, this place is somewhere I can't call my home. I hope you all understand that.

However, even tho I'm leaving, my account will remain. Only thing that will stay is the messages that were still here from day one from pm's to messages on my board. As well as my books. Since you guys supposedly want there to be a legacy of mine still remaining here and looking at my stuff for whatever reason.

Final thing. If some of you people still want to be in contact with me. Just shoot a dm or look at my bio and you'll see my discord. The first part may look different but you'll dm me to get the right one.

Other than that, some of you I will miss others whatever.

Goodbye and yeah. Catch you in the next life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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