Asylum of the Daleks

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Day 363

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Day 363. The terror continues. Also, Oswin made another soufflé. Very nearly, Kai said.

Oswin hammered in another plank of wood on the doors and then took out a deflated and burnt soufflé out of the oven.

Checked defences, Oswin said as Kai looked at the door.

They came again last night. It's still always at night, Kai said.

Maybe they're vampires. Oh, and it's our Mum's birthday, Oswin said.

Happy birthday, Mum, Oswin and Kai said in unison.

Oswin did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live, Kai said as the Daleks started banging on the doors.

You will let us enter! We will enter!, the Daleks yelled as Oswin turned up the music which drowned them out as they both put fingers in their ears to muffle the sound of the Daleks.

Kai was sat down on her chair and reading a book called Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix as a crackling sound came from the radio.

Hello? Hello, Carmen? Hello?, a voice said from the radio as Kai sat up in disbelief.

Hello?, Kai said.

Come in, come in, come in, Carmen, the voice said.

Oswin! Someone's there! Come on!, Kai exclaimed.

Hello, yes, yes, sorry, do you read us?!, Oswin said as she quickly sat down on the chair.

Yes, reading you both loud and clear. Identify yourselves and report your status, the voice said.

Hello! Are you real?, Kai said.

Are you actually, properly real?, Oswin said.

Yep, confirmed, actually properly real, the voice said.

Kai and Oswin Oswald, Junior Entertainment Managers, Starship Alaska. Current status- crashed and shipwrecked somewhere...not nice, Kai said.

Been here a year, rest of the crew missing. Provisions good, but keen to move on, Oswin said.

A year? Are you both ok, are you both...under attack?, the voice said.

Some local life-forms, Kai's been keeping them out, Oswin said.

Do you know what those life-forms are?, the voice said.

We know a Dalek when we hear one, yeah, Kai said.

What have you both been doing, on your own, against the Daleks for a year?!, the voice said.

Making soufflés, Oswin said.

Reading, Kai said.

Soufflés' and reading?! Against the Daleks? Where do you get the milk and the books?, the voice said as the radio signal crackles as Kai and Oswin bent down to fix the radio

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