The War of the Dead

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(this is one of my oldest one-shots to ever write and no one has really seen it so uh, yeah. grab the tissues I think?)

This dam advertisement had got stuck in my head and there was no worry about the world collapsing or that I couldn't feel my legs.

There were cracks all over the land, from where monsters were escaping the underworld. They came out as there was no end to the brethren. And it was all my fault.

"Annabeth!" I yelled but there was no sign of the blonde, she ran to save a camper from falling into the giant football field hole that broke Los Angeles in two. But she never came back. Another earthquake shook the place, they had taken control over that too. The earth trembled hard once more and the ground started to split under my feet, so I moved. Searching around was useless so I sprinted towards the field. No matter what happened next, I had to save Annabeth. Olympus fell, and everything went dark, the sharp laughter that appeared in my nightmares broke the sound of the swords and half-blood's screams. "Have fought well, young hero. Therefore thee shall die'' his voice blurred everything around "I have what you seek for."

"You won, Kronos!" I yelled, and drew my sword away "Where is she?"

The world spun around and I kneeled from the urge of falling. In seconds it stopped and saw where I had landed. Maybe not more than two miles from where I was before.

The crack in the land was not only a football field long. But ten times longer. I reached there to see people on the brink of death, hanging onto the ledge of the split for their life. I saw two familiar faces hanging onto each other, Leo and Frank. Frank was falling and Leo was trying to get him up. I ran to help but a hydra appeared slapped Leo's feet. He lost his balance and before I could save them, they fell into the depths of the hole.

The hydra lost her balance as well when a lighting bolt thundered in her feet. She fell after Leo and Frank. "Percy!" I heard someone call behind me. I turned to find Jason hanging on Piper's shoulders, both losing blood. I ran towards them and noticed a deep dark hole in Jason's stomach. I met Piper's eyes that were watering red tears. She looked like she was about to faint. Before she could fall, I caught them both and let the gravity get them down slowly. They laid on the ground, and I kneeled next to them.

"Can you- can you try to fly?" I asked Jason, although I knew it was a stupid question. "We need to get you out of here" flames were burning around and I saw how Jason's face twitched in pain. He coughed and blood got away from his mouth. Piper was no better. She had been hit with something because her head was bleeding.

"Percy-" Piper managed to say, while her breath seemed to be stuck inside "save them-" she wrapped her hand tightly with Jason's and slowly started closing her eyes. "NO!" I yelled "No- Annabeth- Nectar-" I couldn't breathe, not Piper and Jason too, I couldn't lose them.

Jason's blue eyes shined for the last time as he spoke "It was an honor" and he let his last breath take his life away.

Slowly their bodies started to fade and tear, millions of little pieces of dust flew around as a cold breeze took their torn souls away.

My mind started bowling and the pressure filled my body. I wanted to scream, to really do something. But I was alone. My friends were dying, and it was all because I didn't accept being on Kronos and Gaea's side. Annabeth was missing, Leo, Frank, Piper, and Jason were gone.

Why didn't they kill me when they had their chance I cried inside my mind. The Gods knew I was something, and Athena was right by saying I didn't deserve to live.


I fought. Among everyone else, I fought with the monsters. I used everything I had to, I made the whole city, or at least what had gotten left out of it, cry into tons of waterslides and fountains, destroying everything and drowning everything.

Zeus said we'd take care of the monsters, and they for the first time would take care of the titans.

After everything I had lost, I just wanted to find Annabeth and just disappear anywhere together, and with that thought, I destroyed the monster in front of me, and the dust woke me up.

"Percy watch out!" a voice yelled behind me and before I could turn around, I was flying towards the entrance of the hole. My hand slipped through the mud and I managed to hold on, so I couldn't fall into the way more than a giant hole. I heard a scream from above, but this time it looked like a monster instead of a half-blood.

Hazel showed up and she held her arm out, I took it with my free hand while Hazel tried to hold me up. But she couldn't.

"Hazel, let me go," I said but she shook her head. "It's only me or none of us who can fall there," she cried, she had lost everyone just like me. Nico and Will died while a poisonous scorpion killed them, back in camp, Frank fell inside too. Everyone.

I was about to say something when she did something I didn't understand how, but I flew around while she was the one who was falling now. My hand caught a stone up there, but Hazel let her hand off a mine. She did not just sacrifice herself, but she did sacrifice for me. Someone pulled me up, someone I knew, but I was sure that I had seen him before, my head was spinning around.

I glanced down the hole as Hazel was now long gone in the deeps of the endless darkness. "It's okay," the person said. I turned to see Apollo, but he wasn't as shiny as he always was. His skin was pale like he was sick. He matched the sky, which was all gray. Apollo's eyes were full of pain "Our time has come, Percy. We'll fade, and never be remembered." he fixed his posture and a million holes started shining from inside his body until the skin began to come off "Well done, we won another war because of you, young hero. We owed you but failed you. Don't blame the song for being melodic, Percy, blame me and the gods, that we hide the words and our actions, with the beautiful melody of livin' our lives" before I could speak any word from my dry mouth, a strong light blinded me and around flew aches from Apollo's body until they disappeared, not leaving a sign that anything happened those 5 minutes.

The war had been won, but they lost more than some friends while fighting, more than mentors, more than brothers, and sisters. But for a moment all Percy wanted was to find Annabeth. At least to say "I love you" one last time.


It was by the end of the war when he found her lying on the ground, while her body trembled and blood was hiding her beautiful features. The gods finally found their power and did all the things to save themselves, and sadly Percy as well. He slowly kneeled down and tried to hold back the pain. "Annabeth," he said slowly.

She winced from the pain and opened her beautiful eyes, meeting him. She smiled softly and reached for his hand. Her hand was small and warm. Giving him the message that everything was going to be okay, just with a little embrace. But he knew she was lying. "I'm sorry" Percy apologized, and let a little sob escape his mouth "I'm sorry that I wasn't there with you, and for everything. I wish I could turn back time and-"

She cut him off with a smile "I love you Percy"

"No!" he said as he took her words as a goodbye "The Gods are still up there, they'll help us. We saved the world again. Just stay with me"

She breathed slowly and his eyes darkened as her body became light, and looked like her soul was leaving her "We shall meet again Percy," she whispered "there, where's no more sigh of life"

He didn't want to admit what happened next, as the thunder lightened the dark sky. The love of his life fades into the air, and he didn't even say "I love you" back.

He lost all of his friends, he begged the gods to kill him. Somehow they tried to convince him to become immortal again, to live for all the souls that had been gone. But he never took the risk to never see Annabeth again. One day. He'll wake up on his way to Elysium, and finally, the pain in his heart will finally go away.

eh, I don't like it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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