chapter 3 the beat

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Sauske still had naruto pinned and started to strip and to go to naruto and fuck him but naruto went to kcm and said 'u want to do it like this i will do it hardcore" Sauske blushed and went "sure lets do this" and they fucked for 2 hours and naruto was moaning so much sauske made a chokeball out of amaterasu fire and made it burn narutos mouth. Then he made a cock ring for naruto and made him have some fun (remember this is at 4 in the morning on a school day) Sauske said to naruto "well we need to wrap it up" naruto said ok...
Sauske said "we can wrap it up and bring it over to my house if u would love that.." naruto said sure and they got dressed and headed over to sauskes house while they were on there way the alchohol was wearing off but they still had there plan in mind. There plan was to call up all of team 7 with hinata aswell to produce a gangbang with everyone. 30 minutes later there were all if team 7 at sauskes house all naruto needed to do is call up hinata. He called up hinata and she headed over and then sauske was waiting and all of team 7 was striped kakashi still wearing his mask ofc and then they all had a good time for 1 hour and then sauske pinned them all down and said i will make multi susano dicks for all of you no mater what. Naruto was with hinata and was fucking ber with multi shadow clone justsu she was passed out by then and still whining for more.

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