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zero was laying down on a counter with a pink-haired girl was running around frantically grabbing different papers and machines 

Mai: alright buddy I got so many upgrades for you

zero: acknowledged 

Mai: good first your face I'm gonna give you the ability to express yourself

zero didn't say anything he had no idea what she meant as he was never able to express himself before

Mai shuffled around for a while before practically shoving extra tech into his head before closing it with a new reinforced glass plate to cover it

Mai: okay I have also put in what I think is something that will allow you to speak so I will need you to try to bother out so you can continue

zeros face then lit up showing different expressions

zeros face then lit up showing different expressions

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zero: t-th-than-thank y--you

a surprized emote landed on zeros face

he still has the robotic voice

mei: good it didn't blow up

she let out a maniacal laugh as she walked away to grab more things

zero laid backdown

 after a little back and forth with Mai he got some improved strength agility as well as some extreme shock-absorbing feet nullifying any damage from any hight

he is waiting when Aizawa walks in

Aizawa: alright power loader is coming for your upg-... *sigh* you were supposed to wait, mei, whatever comes on I'm going to take you over to the dorms you have your specific requirements as well as normal stuff

zero follows him

zero: d-d-do I h-h-hav-have an n-na-name

Aizawa looked over curiously at zero 

Aizawa: no, no you don't

zero: o-oh

they made their way to the dorms once they were they saw all of 1-a in the comen room

everyone looked up from what they were doing to see Aizawa and zero standing in the doorway

Iida: sir why is our escort back are we going on another trip

kamanari: WHAT so soon after the villain incident 

Aizawa: shut up I've got announcements to make, one, this is zero an international assassin and your new classmate so get used to that, two, the sports festival will be coming up soon you will have 2 weeks off for training use your time wisely three, introduce yourself to zero here

Aizawa leaves 

everyone starts gossiping about zero and the sports festival 


zero left alive (assassin deku)Where stories live. Discover now