Chapter One: Orientation

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Our story starts at the root of all the greatest minds in the world. The Motherlobe, the Psychonauts main headquarters. This group of elite Psychics take on the challenges of the mind, growing their strength for the betterment of the human psyche, and to ensure a safer tomorrow.

One such agent of the Psychonauts is an enthusiastic young teenager by the name of Razputin Aquato. From the moment he started his quest to become a great Psychonaut he had done many great deeds. From saving the world from his unstable camp counselor, to saving the world from his great aunts second personality, he had done so much to keep the peace around him, and only at ten years old.

But now it's been four years since then. He has grown, and with his growth he has expanded his horizon and now sets out to become a full blown Psychonaut. Unfortunately, despite all his heroic acts from the past he still wasn't classified as such, and was instead given the title of Junior Psychonaut, just like all the rest of his younger colleagues.

But with the title of Junior Psychonaut came the road of becoming a full agent of the Psychonauts. His journey wouldn't be easy, but he has successfully made it to the final challenge of Psychonauthood.

Junior Psychonaut Academy, Senior Year.

Beep! Beep! Bee-

A hand raised in defiance of the loud noise produced by his alarm clock before slamming down on the snooze button and a burgundy haired teen rose from his bed. The sunlight from his window peered throughout his room, illuminating his homely sanctuary as he stretched his arms and prepared to rise from his bed for the start of the first day of his senior year.

He was only fourteen years old, but already being in his senior year spoke volumes of his tenacity and strength. Truly he was a gifted and talented individual, some might even say a prodigy, but he wouldn't let that get to his head (For the most part).

Finally opening his green eyes to the light of his room, he blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted and a smile stretched across his lips. He was excited, and who wouldn't be? This was going to be the greatest year of his life!

'Alright, time to get ready for the day!' He thought cheerfully, slipping out of his bed before levitating himself to his bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. One must always make sure their body is as clean as their mind after all. It said so in True Psychic Tales #298!

Razputin was quite the aficionado of the True Psychic Tales comics, perhaps even more impressive was his absolute adoration of the Psychonauts and everything that they had done to protect the world. And here he was at the center of it all, training to become one of the greats!

Quickly stepping out of the bathroom after finishing up, the red haired boy grabbed his signature outfit for the day and used his telekinesis to get himself dressed. His outfit slightly differed from when he was younger, but as a person grows, so must their wardrobe.

He was adorned in a bluish-green turtleneck and gray cargo pants. Overtop of his turtleneck he wore a black leather trench coat to replace his old tattered brown one. He pulled on his black combat boots, and his new and improved gray headpiece with his goggles strung right overtop and he was ready for the day!

...Or so he thought, he had forgotten to grab his brown leather satchel that he carried everywhere with him. Grabbing the bag without using any of his powers he slung it over his shoulder and looked himself over in the mirror with a confident smile.

He looked good. Compared to how he looked back when he was ten years old, he definitely matured. He was taller, stronger, perhaps even a bit more agile. He looked his age, a 14 year old boy growing into the body that would define him as a man. He now stood at about 5'6, yet his growth was only just beginning. In no time he may even reach the height of his father, Augustus. He hoped that was all he'd obtain from his father, he didn't want to have to deal with such a scraggly beard.

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