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The barracks were silent except for the occasional snore. The sun was just beginning to rise, the birds starting to sing.

        Awoken from a nightmare, Bertholdt knew it was fruitless to fall back to sleep. He'd have another nightmare and it would cause him to flip and flail, the likely result ending with him accidently punching or kicking Reiner, awakening the both of them. He turned towards Reiner and watched him while he slept, he looked so peaceful, not having to be Marcel, big brother, soldier or warrior. No armor guarding him, 'Heh.' Bertholdt wanted to laugh at his unintended pun. 'I'm glad he doesn't put his guard up around me...'

     Bertholdt heard heavy foot steps approaching the barracks, he closed his eyes and got into one of his 'famous' positions. Normally he wouldn't do that, he hated when people stared at him, it made him uncomfortable, and worry that someone might see his 'mask' as he likes to call it. So you might ask him, if he doesn't want to become a spectacle, why go into one of those positions? Simply because of Reiner. Originally during their first few months of their first year of training, Reiner would get annoyed and shoo people away from Bertholdt because he knew it made him uncomfortable. Eventually, they both gave up and the 104th cadets made a weather report from his sleeping positions, it was as entertaining for Bertholdt as it was embarrassing, heck, even Reiner joined in on the reports. So for the sake of Reiner's amusement, he will be a spectacle once more...

     The door slammed open, Bertholdt winced in response. "Wake up maggots! You have odm gear training today, last one to show has to run ten laps around the field before dinner!" With that, Shadis left the barracks. Groans filled the air, whether they were from cadets being tired or upset, he didn't know.

     "What's the weather report going to be today Reiner?" He heard Connie ask. He could feel Reiners gaze on him, "Well he is laying down on his stomach, so the weather may be cloudy, but his arm is draped over his head, so there might be a chance of rain."

"Yes! No training if it begins to lightning!" Connie exclaims. "You should always train! No lightning will stop me!" Eren responds. Jean scoffs, "You wanna say something, horseface!" Eren glares at him, before Jean can respond, Reiner got between them. "Hey, Hey! You don't want Shadis to come back in here, do you?" They both looked at him, then each other, no, Shadis was not worth it.

     Reiner made his way back to Bertholdt, he nudged his shoulder, "Hey Bertl, time to get up, I know you can do it, but I really don't think you want to run ten laps." He chuckled. Bertholdt got up from his fake sleep and smiled, No, he really did not want to run ten laps regardless if he could finish them all before dinner. He smiled at Reiner and climbed off the bunk, they headed to the showers with the rest of the guys, to begin to get ready for a long and no doubt grueling day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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