3. A promise to eat- Destiel

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Bad language count: 3

Words: 1650

"Dean, are you sure you're not hungry?" Castiel told Dean, concern lacing his voice. "You know, you still need to eat. It's a human necessity."

Dean brushed off Cas' worry. "I'm good."

Cas grabbed a plate and took one of the patties Dean had just cooked, despite what Dean had said. It was a lazy Sunday for them today so Dean decided what better way to spend it than making burgers?

The angel stubbornly began to assemble the burger for Dean, starting with putting mayonnaise on the buns. When he finished, he grabbed some tinfoil and wrapped the burger in it. Dean rolled his eyes. "Really, Cas. I'll be fine." Castiel glared at him and the hunter held up his hands in surrender.

Cas' expression softened and he placed the food down. The immediate change in mood weirded Dean out, making him have the thought, Is Cas bipolar?, for a few seconds. "It's been two days since you've eaten anything, Dean. I know you think you'll be fine but not eating for this long is extremely harmful to your health. So please, for the love of my father, eat something. Even if it's a small bite, I don't care. As long as you eat."

Dean rubbed the back of his neck. He had been forgetful lately and when he actually remembered, he wasn't hungry. Which was very strange because he liked the taste of food. Although, it did make SOME sense because he'd also been forgetting to sleep, another odd occurrence that had been happening in the past few weeks.

Dean knew it was bad to be this way. He'd given tons of lectures to Sam about eating habits when they were younger and he'd received quite a bit from Sam as they got older. But... he just couldn't bring himself to care. So what if he didn't sleep? So what if he didn't eat?

"Cas, I... I'm fine. Really." Dean walked over to Cas and pulled the shorter man into a hug, in hopes of comforting the angel. Castiel didn't deserve to be distressed, Dean had always thought, and Dean was not going to be causing Cas to feel that horrible emotion.

"No, you aren't," Castiel whispered. "I've been on this planet for many years. Do you think I don't know what these habits can lead to? The many people who get injured from doing this to themselves? People have died from this, Dean. And I can't lose you. Especially if it's caused by something so utterly stupid."

Dean was rendered silent. Why, out of all people, did Cas give a shit about him? The high school dropout who couldn't even remember to eat and sleep, things he happened to love. He tightened the hug slightly. "Okay..." he whispered in Castiel's ear. "Okay, you win. I'll eat something. Sorry to worry you, Cas."

He pulled away and wiped a oncoming tear from Cas' eye. "Thank you. Just promise me you'll try remembering to eat and sleep." Dean took Cas' hand in his own as a comforting gesture. He didn't want Cas to worry about him. "I love you, Dean."

Dean gave a small smile. He still wasn't use to being told that. "I love you too. I promise I'll try to remember. I cross my heart-" Dean made a little X over his heart with one hand "-and hope to die." Cas glared at him and crossed his arms, causing Dean to laugh. "Sorry."

"You better be," Cas grumbled as he wiped his eye with his trench-coat's sleeve. "I don't want my boyfriend to die." Dean laughed again. "It's not funny, Dean."

"I know. You're just..." Dean paused to figure out what to say. "Really adorable." A rosey shade of pink appeared over Castiel's cheeks. He knew Dean's light-hearted words were going to come up in the conversation somehow. He didn't expect them to be a compliment though.

"Eat the fucking burger I made," Cas blurted out, wanting a change in their talk. He noted that it was a move that Dean would typically make when he diverted the conversation. Perhaps he had been spending too much time with the hunter. Dean smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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