Chapter 4

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The test had five parts, each testing a different part of a person's brain. The first tested personality traits. The participant was placed in a virtual classroom where they were required to take an impossible test. The wording was so complex, no normal human could comprehend it. They were forced to work through the test until all the questions were answered. Their mood and mental state was monitored throughout the test. Then, they would shift scenes.

The next part tested self-confidence. They were placed in front of a huge mirror in the middle of a meadow. They faced themselves in the mirror and were forced to look at themselves. They were tested on how they reacted. Some applicants would start strutting around, proud of their appearance, while others would curl up into a ball and cry themselves to sleep. Once they had reacted enough for it to be picked up on the sensors, the scene would change again.

This part tested strength and determination. It provided them with a boulder and a huge hill. There is a sign near the boulder that says, "PUSH UP TO THE TOP" in bold red letters. The task was explicitly clear, but the participants still responded differently. Many started rolling the boulder uphill quickly, but the stubborn ones would sit in the grass and stare at it. Some of the especially childish ones decorated the rock with nearby pieces of grass and flowers. Once they reached the top of the hill, or they sat down to fall asleep, the scene would shift once again.

The next section tested a persons' ability to function under high amounts of pressure. They were transferred into a dark cave, where a group of five civilians were bound and gagged. A set of ten highly-skilled guards marched around the captives. They watched a quick holo-video informing them of their mission: To free and escape with all of the prisoners, no injuries. They were meant to complete the mission within one hour. After they completed or failed the mission the test ended and they were brought to a holding room where their results were assessed.

As I scrolled through the test footage, I watched how Veronika responded to each task. For the first, she paced herself and worked through the test as if it was a piece of cake. For the second, she wandered around the surrounding meadow, looking for something. I slowed down the footage. After searching in the bushes for a second, she found a stone the size of her fist and lifted it up to observe it. A second later, she turned and hurled the stone at the mirror. The stone pinged off the mirror, and fell lightly into the grass.  She walked over, picked it up, and chucked it at the mirror again. The mirror shattered. Shards flew across the meadow, narrowly missing her body. The scene froze, and the footage ended. I turned to the scientist, a confused look on my face.

"What happened?" I asked. "There's no more footage." She looked at me and ushered me to a nearby whiteboard hanging on the wall of the lab. She grabbed a marker, cap squeaking as it was taken off. She wrote in all caps across the board. The test stopped. It kicked her out. No more footage. Error in system.

I asked to see the machine's results. She led me over to the test room, and showed me the computer screen. It had lines of code scrolling along the screen. I slid my SHaDES on and let them assess the situation. It quickly diagnosed it as an unknown error. I dismissed the scientist, telling her we would try again tomorrow.

I went to go check on Veronika, but she was still huddled in the corner. I grabbed a sedative from my tool belt, preparing to use it on Veronika. I opened the door cautiously and watched her squirm away from me, the motion making me uncomfortable. Her eyes darted toward the door as it clicked shut.

"Can you walk? We must get to the dorms before lights out or you're stuck here all night" I said sternly, hiding the sedative behind my back. She nodded and tried to stand up. As soon as her legs were straight, they spasmed and she was back on the floor, whimpering softly. I yanked her to her feet again, and she cried out in pain. Her legs spasmed once again and she had become eerily quiet on the floor. I nudged her with her foot. There wasn't a reaction other than a slight twitch of her hand. Just to be safe, I crushed the sedative on her lips and let it dissolve on her tongue. She quickly became limp. I slung her over my shoulder and carried her to the dorms.

After I tucked her into her bunk bed, which she shared with another girl named Raven Venks, I went to HQ to do my nightly report. The escorts in the breakroom were gossiping about the new recruits when I arrived.

"Did you hear that JJ once killed a lamb?.... Yeah, did you know that Jessie killed a huge lizard? Once, Lukahe (LuCUH) smashed a plate over my head to see if I was real. Supposedly, he's a great coder."

As soon as I had inputted my report, I sat down at the table with everyone. After listening to the talk for a little bit, I called the meeting to order. Everyone stopped talking so quickly, it was like they were turned to stone.

"Escort Tarin, the roll please," I announced. They took attendance and sat down. Everyone was there, all the seats were filled, and it was time to discuss the day. I started my speech.

"As you all know, this is a new round of recruits. Many of you have experience in this field, training these younglings. If you do not, there are many other escorts who can help if you have issues. Now it is time for status reports. When I call your name, you will tell us your subject's name and a brief, I repeat brief, status report. I'll go first. I'm Escort Thelker. My subject's name is Veronika Levenia. We have a problem. First of all, she has blood type G68 which many of you know is not compatible with the scanner. Next, we had her retake the compatibility test today, and she broke the test with an unknown error. We will try again tomorrow. If anyone has any insight into the test's possible issues, speak now." It was silent.

"Escort Arnold," I called out. He stood up, saying, "My subject's name is JJ Rinter. He has adapted well and I expect he will be a wonderful addition to our team."

"Escort Ban-" As I called the next escort out, there was a bang of the door opening. We all looked to see who it was. It was Veronika, staggering through the door, eyes bloodshot and hair in an electrocuted state. The escorts quickly stand up and become soldiers. I march towards Veronika but stop in front of the line of escorts. She finds me with her eyes and adjusts her course so she comes straight at me. A snarl escapes her mouth. I patiently wait for her to get closer. Her breaths were ragged, mouth moving as if she was speaking. As she got closer, I started hearing her whispered words.

"Bantum in danger... time is coming... escort fall... stars align... doom doom doom"

A/N: Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Thoughts/Comments?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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