chapter 2

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I walked to school quietly, todoroki's words still ringing in my mind.

We are not friends nor am I here to make friends.

Harsh, right?

I entered my classroom and immediately sat down at my seat, not bothering to socialize with anyone.

I turned to todoroki who was sitting silently on his phone. I decided to start a conversation.

"Todoroki, can you please be my friend? I never had one before and your the only person who atleast talked to me like a friend.." I said facing him, eyes watering a bit

Todoroki looked at me a little surprised. His face softened and his smiled softly.

"I'm sorry for what I said the other day and yes I'll be your friend" he said smiling

I instantly pulled him into a hug. My arms wrapped around his neck and my face on his neck, softly breathing.

"Thanks Todo!" I said smiling

"Y/n" todoroki whispered

"Yeah?" I asked

"The class is staring" I said

I pulled away quickly, and the class was actually staring minus aizawa, he was sleeping in the corner like usual.

"What's wrong with two friends hugging" I mumbled as I hide my face into my arms

The class went into talking once again. I exhaled a breathe I didn't even know I was holding in.

I heard todoroki chuckle a little. I turned towards him and smiled.

"Hey todoroki" I said

He hummed to show he was listening. I smiled.

"Wanna hangout after school? My place?" I asked smiling

"Sure" he said smiling


"So this is your house?" Todoroki asked as we stopped infront of it

"Well we wouldn't have stopped infront of it if it want" I said sarcastically

I took a key out my pocket and started unlocking the door. When we went inside, my mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner with mucic on.

I closed the door behind us and locked it.

"I'm home!" I said loud

My mom turned to me and smiled, she saw todoroki behind me and gave me a curious look.

We went up towards her. She turned off her music.

"And who must you be?" She asked todoroki

"Shoto todoroki, a friend of y/n, nice to meet you." Todoroki said as he bowed

"He's a gentleman, I like him, good choice y/n" my mother said and smiled

I heated up, my face so red you could probably see it from a mile away.

"Sakura, y/n's mother, nice to meet you" my mother said as they shook hands

"Anyways you kids go and do as you please, I'll be making dinner" she said

We nodded and started to make our way upstairs until my mom called us again. We turned around.

She made a hole with hand and put a her index finger up on the other hand and started pushing it in the hole.

"Use protection" she said

"MOM, NO!" I screamed embarrassed

I pulled todoroki up the stairs, completely missing his red face. I entered my room and locked the door.

"Please don't mind my mother, she's embarrassing, I'm sorry" I said to todoroki

"It's fine" he said

"Anyway, what are we gonna do?" todoroki asked

"You play video games?" I asked

Todoroki nodded.

"K, let's play minecraft" I said turning on my game

"Minecraft?" Todoroki questioned as I threw him a controller

I sat down on my bed and potted the spot next to me. Todoroki sat down.

I explained everything about the game to him and started to play.

"Y/n!" Todoroki said

"Yes" I laughed quietly

"Did you eat all the cake I made!?" Todoroki asked seriously

"Maybe, maybe not" I said smiling

"That cake took forever!" He whined

"Ok I'm sorry, have some of my cow" I said as I dropped the cooked steak

He glady took it. It then became night.

"I'm going mining" todoroki said

"Todo, that's the worst idea ever, you don't have anything wooden! All you have is stone and wood and barely any food" I said

"It's worth a shot" he said

I gave him all my food.

"If you die, I'm gonna beat you" I said

He hummed in response. He then went mining.

"YOU DIED!" i screamed at todoroki

"I know" he mumbled

I jumped on him.

"Idiot, I said not to go mining and now you die" I said

"Did you even get your check point?" I asked

Todoroki just stared at me, blushing. I realized what position we were in when I felt something bulge onto my 'part' iykyk. My eyes widen as I blushed.

"C..can you please get off..?" Todoroki asked

"Y-yes, sorry!" I said as I rolled off of him

"But did you lie your checkpoint?" I asked

"No" he said

"You idiot! Now we got to get all the food all over again, and I'm not making all your swords and stuff this time, you'll do it yourself" I said

"Yeah yeah" he said

"I'm not kidding todoroki" I said

"Of fine, hmph!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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