"A little fruity"

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A couple of days had passed since prom.

Me and puffy didn't really say anything if we were together or not, we really haven't talked about it yet.

When ever I had went back to school, there was  Niki tugging my arm and pulling me to some empty room.

"We all saw what happened at prom, have you both talked about it?" Niki grabbed both my arms looking up at me.

"I uhm, we haven't really talked after prom" I sighed.

"Go talk to her then, tell her how you feel" she said with a soft voice.

"Ok, I'll try to talk to her, I'm a bit nervous but I'll try" I tried staying confident with myself.

"I'll help you find her" before I could say anything else Niki grabbed my arm pulling me through the halls.

We both zoomed through the halls while searching for puffy.

Then we came to a stop seeing puffy talking to dream and sapnap in the halls.

Puffy then caught a glimpse of us and smiled, I waved at her motioning her to come over here. She had said something to the two and walked over here.

"Heya" puffy said greeting us.

"Welp ima go" Niki pointed behind her tiptoeing away from.

Puffy looked confused but didn't really question it.

"Hey, uhm puffy about prom night, I really do like you and was hoping we can make this relationship work you know?" I sighed looking down at my feet.

"Of course, I would love for this relationship to work" puffy looked at me and grabbed both my hands.

"I really like you too minx, how about you hang out at my house tonight, maybe we can watch a movie?" puffy smiled down at me, I looked back at her gorgeous green eyes.

I smiled. "I would love that" puffy then leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, and let go of my hands and walked away.

"I'll cya later sugarplum!" puffy had said.

I stood there, and was a whole blushing mess and couldn't stop smiling.

Then Niki snuck behind me "sooooo, is it official?" Niki asked.

"Uhm kinda, we'll talk more about it tonight, she invited me over to hangout at her house and watch a movie" I answered.

"Awww, cute!" the two of us walked to our 1st period.


It was 6pm and my mom had dropped me off at puffys, I knocked at the door and dream had opened the door.

"Puff! Your girlfriend is here!" dream had yelled.

"Stfu dream" puffy came down the stairs and threw a pillow at dream.

Dream walked away and back into the kitchen, then there was puffy greeting me into her home.

"Come in, don't mind dream he's being a annoying" puffy shut the door behind us.

"Am not, I'm just greeting my twin sisters girlfriend" dream replied.

"Go talk to your boyfriend George and leave us alone" puffy and me walked up the stairs.

"One! He's not my boyfriend! Two! He's busy with family" dream got defensive.

The two of us laughed and went into her room, she closed the door behind her.

"Sorry about dream" the both of us had sat on her bed.

"It's fine, I've never had siblings before, I've always been an only child, so consider yourself lucky you have a brother" I leaned onto her soldier.

"Consider yourself lucky you don't have any because there a pain is your ass" puffy replied, she turned the tv on and put the movie "lilo and stitch" on.

We both sat on her bed and had our arms rapped around eachother, sooner or later we had both drifted asleep.


It was morning and we were both snuggled up with eachother, puffy got up and yawned and put her crazy hair into a ponytail.

We had been sleeping for a while and realized he had already missed 1st period of class.

I looked at my phone and realized my phone was being blown up by a million text messages and calls from all the people in our friend group.

I decided to at least look at one of the texts.

I dropped my phone, shocked and tears had formed in my eyes.

(( Ayo! Sorry there hasn't been any chapters, I've been busy with family and taking time to myself. I've been loosing motivation and energy to write this story, and after watching a couple movies and shows, it gave me energy and motivation to write and gave me so much ideas. Thank you so much for all the love and support with this story, ur all amazing! And remember y'all are valid as fuck, go eat some food, drink some water, brush your teeth, take a shower, and kick the shit out of tomorrow big dog ily❤️))

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