I - Kit

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A/N - I do not own PJO, HOO, TOA, TID, TMI, TDA, GOTSM. All rights go to Rick and Cassie.

Kit woke up in a cold sweat, breathing hard and gasping for air. Another nightmare. Faint glimpses of the woman from his dream still lingered in his mind. It was unmistakably Auraline - her bright blue eyes were sharper and telltale luminous blonde hair only shades paler than his own. He'd never actually met her, obviously, but when he saw her, he'd known her immediately.

Another face arose in his mind, infinitely more beautiful than any other he'd laid his gaze upon. One he'd been haunted by since the day he left... dark disheveled hair and intelligent, shining grey eyes. No - he couldn't think about him. Especially not here, even though he was probably in the Los Angeles Institute anyway, now that all the students were on vacation and only some of the older, well trained, high-ranking Centurions had been made to stay and be his personal security guards.

He pushed the thought away and struggled up against the hardwood back of the large, uncomfortable bed he'd been given. He missed home more than he thought he would.

There was no Institute in Devon, so Kit had been trained by Jem and Tessa (Jem might have been a mundane, but he was as fierce a warrior as any other Shadowhunter and Tessa was no slouch herself). He was usually only permitted to sleep until 7 o' clock, till Mina - morning baby that she was - climbed into his bed and yelled at him to 'Wake up, wake up, wake up Kit-kat!'

Now, of course, he was too jet lagged to fall asleep again and had no doubt that he'd be plagued by more nightmares anyway. He clambered out of bed slowly and peeked outside the small bedroom window at the side. It was dark outside, probably around 3 o' clock, and the sky was a swirl of stars against the inky splotches of darkness and misty clouds.

Even as he headed out, Kit knew that it would probably be freezing, so he quickly grabbed a fleece jacket and headed outside swinging the door shut behind him. He didn't actually mind the cold and relished the cool clear wind against his skin. Kit wasn't supposed to be wandering about. In fact, he'd been brought to the Scholomance for his safety, just earlier that night.

Technically, after his eighteenth birthday, he was no longer a child and was eligible to take over both Faerie courts - a fact that was completely bizarre and that he was still unable to fully comprehend. Still, he was now officially an adult and Jem and Tessa had absolutely insisted they celebrate. So, earlier in the day, they'd watched a movie together (with running commentary from Tessa about how the book was so much better) and cut a cake from the quaint little bakery downtown. In the evening, Jace and Clary (who were now engaged) had come to visit him at Cirenworth and Tessa had summoned a feast. Kit had barely just retired to bed when the a group of four, heavily armed Centurions had appeared at his doorstep.

His parents had been reluctant to send him - they'd always been able to protect him, but they recognised the significance of the threat and had agreed that he'd be safer in the Scholomance. Mina had thrown a fit, crying and screaming and hugging his feet. He'd only gotten the time to change out of his duck-patterned pyjamas, into three layers of jackets, and say a hasty goodbye to his family before he had been whisked away into an icy whirlwind.

It had been three long years since the battle on the Imperishable Fields - three years since he'd left him. With Julian and Emma's angelic parabatai magic Nephilim transformation stunt on the battlefield, Kit was sure that no one had even noticed him. Jem and Tessa had several trusted sources in Shadow Markets all over the world who had all said that they had nothing to worry about. Still, Downworlder gossip could spread like wildfire. If any information about his faerie magic and heritage reached the ears of a faerie... Kit shivered at the thought.

The Nephilim's relationship with the Unseelie Court had become far less strained than before, with Alec as the new Consul and Kieran as the new Unseelie King. The Seelie Court, however had been growing more and more secretive. Kit didn't like it one bit - didn't trust the Seelie Queen. When Kit had been living back in Los Angeles, his father used to tell him that he couldn't trust anyone until he knew exactly what they wanted. The Seelie Queen was mysterious and dark and unpredictable - no one knew her true intentions or her motives. In his mind, that made her extremely dangerous.

The Riders of Mannan, whom he'd magicked away all those years ago, were still out there somewhere. Tessa had told him that the magic had only made them disappear temporarily to goodness knew where. Perhaps into the void, into the strange dark places in the spaces between realms. Now that they knew about his abilities, they weren't going to show up unless they knew how to defeat him. They were probably hiding, regaining their strength and waiting in the shadows until they could strike.

Despite several hours of training from Tessa, Kit's own faerie magic didn't seem to be working anymore. Tessa seemed to think that it was very strange, because it was very powerful, even though he'd only used it once before. She'd told him that sometimes when warlocks became emotionally calcified, their magic locked itself up into a box in a distant part of their minds. Something similar seemed to be happening with him, but it didn't make any sense because he was happy, perhaps happier than he'd ever been st Cirenworth with his new family. Still, faerie magic was ancient and unpredictable and so different from warlock magic that they could hardly be compared.

Lost in thought, he barely noticed a tall, dark figure coming up from the shadows. Not wanting to be caught lurking outside, he turned back hurriedly only to find that he had been flipped back around, arms pinned down by strong hands, back pressed against the cold hard stone wall. A gleaming silvery dagger was held to his throat. He was struck by the shock of recognition as his eyes met a pair of familiar clear grey ones.

A/N - Sorry that this disappeared for a while... I have scrutinised every inch of this chapter and added a lot too. Hopefully you like it. Love, Naina 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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