Chapter 22

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Deshaes POV

We left. We really left. As we drove into Heathrow Airport, I couldn't help but wonder what Gem was doing at that moment. Was she missing me? Though I highly doubt it. Since I showed her my emotions, she probably thinks I'm a weak bitch who shouldn't even be in the mafia, let alone leading it.

Sighing, I rested my head against the plane's window and let my thoughts consume me. I was falling into an endless, dark pit until someone pulled me out.

"Deshae...Deshae...bitch wake the fuck up!" I shot up and glanced around frantically, waiting for danger to pop out of nowhere. When I finally realised that it was just A getting bored and wanting to play a game, I slumped back down in my seat.

What was going on with me? This hadn't happened in years.

The hours flew by, and I begun to think more and more about Gem. Why did she affect me so much and why did I love her company, and even just her touch, this much? As we got further and further away from them, I'm sure anyone could see the gloominess on our faces.

Finally landing in Italy, we drove the quick journey back and we're welcomed with huge smiles and warm hugs from our close friends and family. But the one who clearly missed us the most but was trying to pretend not to have, was mum.

When we entered the kitchen, there she was, crossing her arms and evil eyeing us hard.

"Hey mum..." I crept in and moved to beside her and hugged her.

"Hi mummy..." A did the same to the other side of her. She kissed her teeth, unraveled herself from our embrace and carried on with whatever she was doing before we arrived.

"It was so peaceful without you two here you know? No moody, greedy, overgrown children begging me to make them some food or my own kids thinking they can order me around. Hmmmh. I'm just waiting for the next trip you go on now."


"Miss ma'am ate and left no crumbs."

"She really did that?"

"Personally I wouldn't have that."

Many different people chimed in to the conversation like they were invited. I simply rolled my eyes and said, "You know you missed us ma," I kissed her cheek and turned to go back to my own office. A wasn't far behind me muttering, "I know her arse missed us. How could she live without me? Like who the hell would wake her up every day with morning hugs huh? She won't get another me. Love her though."

Rolling my eyes once again at my weird family, I entered my office and happily sighed. It was good to be home. Plopping down in my chair, I remembered the comforting feeling of being in my own space. The enjoyment of being back slowly faded as I recalled how much paperwork I had to do before I could relax.

About one hour in, someone barged in and I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. "Deshaeeeee... are you not done yet? I literally finished all my shit and hour ago and you're still here?" I raised my brow at him.

"But we got here an hour ago?..."

"Yea- well I- but -you know...uh that doesn't even matter right now stop dodging the question."

"But there was no relevant question..."

"Bro just shut up. You're taking the piss at this point."

"Okay sorry, what do you need then?"

"Wait what was it again...yeah I forgot bye." He spun dramatically on his heel and opened my door. Going back to my paper work I was startled by a loud "Oh yeah!"

A sprinted back in and announced, " I bought Sapph and Di plane tickets to come here in three weeks." Then sprinted back out.


I ran my hands through my hair and leaned back. Now what was I going to do? I groaned and fell forward onto my desk with a loud bang. Shit that lowkey hurt.

"Dumbarse," I heard from outside the door.

"Stop go away unless you're gonna help,"

"You better fix the hell up cos I don't want no awkwardness up in my crib. Stupid arse." My own mum was against me. It was peak at this point.

I picked myself off the desk and scratched my scalp. Didn't Gem do this to me? Shit I'm already thinking about her again.

Guess it was time to get my feelings together.

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