First Impression

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The homicide department was abuzz with activity as Dexter exited the elevator, finding a crowd of people surrounding LaGuerta's office. He closed the box of doughnuts in his arms, getting the feeling there was something far more interesting happening than the sugary treats he had bought. Debra was leaning against his lab door, her arms crossed, and lips drawn in a fine line. He made a beeline towards his sister, glad that she wasn't wearing her usual 'sex-suit'.

"It's un-fucking-believable, right?" Debra complained, her eyes flickering to the growing crowd.

"What's going on?" Dexter questioned, following her gaze.

It was then that he spotted a young brunette at the middle of the crowd, looking uncomfortable with all the attention being forced upon her. She practically shoved her way through the crowd, taking a seat at Sergeant Doakes' desk. Just as Dexter was getting a better look at the girl, Vince Masuka stood in the way, a dirty grin plastered on his face as always.

"Sixteen months she's been on the force, and she already gets into Homicide? It's fucked up, Dex" Debra went on, her jaw tense.

"Right, I forgot there was a new officer transferring in today" Dexter nodded, slowly.

"How could you forget? It's all anyone's been talking about all week. Maybe if I get shot in the arm, I'll get promoted too" Debra scoffed, making Dexter frown before he realised she was being sarcastic.

"She did help bring down a serial killer, Deb" Dexter pointed out, the case starting to come back to him.

A particularly nasty murderer, who enjoyed taking the tongues from his victims and then sending them to their grieving spouses a few days later. The killer had been on Dexter's radar, but he had been yet to find out the identity of the man before the Rookie Cop did. With the help of Sergeant Doakes, they had apprehended the killer, and the brunette had shot him dead. It had been all over the papers only a few months ago. She was a hailed a hero, especially after being injured in the crossfire, something which still appeared to be happening. Dexter was still yet to find out how the young girl had made the jump...and the chance had seemed to fall into his lap.

"I didn't realise you were part of the fan-club" Debra mocked, looking unimpressed.

"I'm just saying...I mean, have you even talked to her?" Dexter tried to reason, as Debra pursed her lips.

"Oh, shut up, Dex" Debra muttered, hitting the box of doughnuts, causing it to fall to his hands, a few of the sugary treats rolling over the floor.

"Mature, Deb. Very mature" Dexter sighed, under his breath, picking up the box to find there was only one doughnut left.

Dusting the box off, he made his way towards the crowd, dropping the object on the desk, drawing the girl's attention from the obscene gesture Masuka had been making. He wondered if Vince would ever tire of his jokes, just as the rest of the station had.

"The last doughnut for the hero of the hour" Dexter announced, putting on his best fake smile.

"Your about three months too late, mate" An amused voice replied, with a clear English accent.

As the young girl looked up at him, Dexter felt his jaw go slack, his brain coming to a halt. As her blue eyes connected with his, he felt a stab of recognition. The same that he always felt when he looked at a killer. There was nothing behind her eyes, just a coldness that he felt wrap around his body. He began to question whether she had shot the serial killer in self-defence at all.

"I'm Kayla" The girl smiled, her eyes suddenly changing.

Dexter's forehead wrinkled as he saw the darkness inside her was masked in a split-second, now emitting nothing but warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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