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Background info- his name is James Cheyney, he's got two sisters, Sierra and Carly, and one brother, Will. I worked with Sierra and she set us up because we're both terrible at dating 🤣Okay date #1 we went to dinner at a really good Mexican restaurant. Green flag number 1- he wanted to come pick me up. He lives in Liberty which is like 30 minutes from my house. I wouldn't let him because he drives a '94 F-250 and it was having some problems. So I met him at IFA where I work and he drove me from there but it's the thought that counts, he wanted to pick me up. Green flag 2-he opened my door as I was getting in his truck. 3- he opened the door when we got to the restaurant. 4- he maintained eye contact. That's one thing that gets me. When someone maintains eye contact to me it shows that they care. Makes me feel like I'm worth something ig I don't really know what it is. When he was ordering, he looked at the waitress for just a second then his eyes were back at mine. Nowhere else, just my eyes which I guess is green flag 5 - he wasn't paying attention to my body, you know, the ONE reason why my relationships go so wrong is because people start seeing me for just my body. 6- he refilled my water. The pitcher was on the table and when I was low he would fill it up. 7- I went to find my card and he said, "Nuh uh, I'm paying." 8- when we were outside he went to unlock the truck and he said, "no no no, back away from the door," and opened my door. When he dropped me off at my car he waited until I got inside safely and that my engine started. He's so my type, he's such a gentleman, he's so friggin cute, I haven't smiled that much in a long time. He listened to me when I was talking, when he was talking about things he enjoyed he said, "if it doesn't make sense or you don't really care I won't be offended, we don't have to talk about this." My parents were super impressed with him, they said he was raised right and I happen to agree. Idk if it was just him being attentive but the way he looked at me... there was nobody else there. At least that's what it looked like. Like I was the only one that mattered right then. Even when the waitress took our orders, he looked at her for less than a second, then it was back to me. I felt like someone again. He took out his phone once the entire time, and that was to show me the picture of his dirt bike accident injury that we had been talking about. I felt important. For date number two he picked me up this time. He fixed his transmission and came to pick me up. we first went up to Monte Cristo and had a picnic, then we went on a little off-roading adventure to test out his truck's 4 wheel drive. He was teaching me about manual transmissions because I have no idea how they work 😂 anyway then we went back to his house and he took me on a dirt bike because I've never been and holy crap that was the funnest freaking thing! Then I got to meet and snuggle their three cats, two dogs, three goats, two calves, 14 chickens, and two horses. They have 6 horses but their family was out riding. So we went to meet them where they were and hung out with them for a while. Then they wanted me to come over for dinner so I did and when we got back to their house I got to lead the horse back to the stall (which I've never done) and bottle feed the calves (which I've also never done.) he picked me up and brought me home but he lives 37 minutes away from my house so it was honestly really sweet. BUT THAT AINT THE BEST PART! So I've always wanted to drive a manual transmission, right? So he was teaching me how to do it, just kinda explaining how it works and what to do. Well, when he was driving me home he said, "here, give me your hand, I'll show you." So he stuck my hand on the gear shifter thingy and PUT HIS HAND ON MINE AND WAS SHIFTING THE TRUCK THAT WAY! Then when we put it into overdrive for a cruising speed our hands migrated to the seat and just kinda stayed interlocked. Date number 3 he picked me up and went back to his place and just talked for hours. It was me, him, and his little brother Will most of the time. His older sister (my coworker Sierra ) talked with us for a few hours but she had homework. His parents and younger sister Carly went to a horse show she was in so they weren't there most of the time. Then we had a bonfire and the SMOOTHNESS OF THIS MAN okay so we were all standing by each other cuz Will was showing me something and the smoke came in our direction. Will says, "smoke follows beauty so I guess I'll move." THEN JAMES PIPES UP WITH, "no, that won't do anything. It's following Brynlee," I WAS SO FREAKING RED I JUST LOOKED AT HIM AND SAID, "wooooowwww" BUT I WAS A FREAKING BEET. Date number 4 we went to pizza pie cafe and cabella's. When he dropped me off he hugged me, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me. We also passed my ex's house and he said, "quick! Let's go zip tie his axels!" So that was adorable 😂Date number 4.5 he came with me to a devotional at Weber state, he held my hand in the chapel and I kissed him at the end. Date number 5 though.... Got a little spicier. Okay so he picked me up and we went to zupas. While we were driving he just looked at me and said, "have I told you today how beautiful you are?" So my heart melted five minutes in 😂 anyway then we went to eat and we just sat there talking for like two hours and we just held hands but then I got really cold so we went outside and before he opened my door he hugged me then kissed me and said, "any warmer?" And I was like "maybe 😏" then he kissed me again and AAHH anyway then we went to harbor freight to get earmuffs and HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME AS WE WENT INTO THE STORE so that's time number 2 he's been public about us. So then we went shooting in this little canyon thingy where he goes dirt biking and we shot for a bit then we went a little further up to an outlook... then the cycle began. Our cycle was we'd hug, then we'd make out for a minute, then he'd kiss my forehead and I'd kiss his cheek, then back to step one. Not even kidding you, 45 minutes of this. We'd talk for a bit in between then we'd make out again. So then I needed to go home but he had to get gas. Well his truck has two gas tanks. So he put the nossle in one tank then he hopped back in and we made out again. Same thing with the other tank. By far closest... we've been. But here's the thing! His hands NEVER went below my shoulder blades. Like his pointy finger was right below the bottom of my shoulder blade. His hands were kept to his own self! Like he's honestly so different than literally everyone I've gone out with. He keeps eye contact, he keeps his hands to himself, and I can tell that turning into more than making out isn't on his mind. And DUDE his gentle voice 🥵 during the hugging part his voice was soft and gentle and he said, "I like this" and I DIIIIEEEEDDDD So I asked him, "can I ask you something kinda weird?" He said, "like what" and I asked, "what are we?" He said, "what?" Cuz he couldn't hear and I said, "what are we? I don't want to read into anything that isn't there," he looked in my eyes, kissed me, and said, "need help reading into that?" Like SMOOTH but at the same time he didn't answer the question oh and also when we were on the way home I was talking about my mental problems and i said, "I have a lot of issues up here" AND WITHOUT HESITATION HE SAYS, "I don't care" and just smiled at me like not like he doesn't care about listening to my problems he doesn't care that I have them. He likes me for me like bruuuhhh🥺 date number 6 is when we became official and we said I love you for the first time. So we started driving up to his house and he held my hand like five minutes after we started driving so there's that. Then once we got to his house we went inside and I talked to Sierra for a bit, then we got the horses ready. Yaaallllll I rode a hooorrseee!!!! It was incredible!! We went trail riding and the horse I rode was really well behaved. Ig was me, him, his mom, Sierra, and Will. Carly had a meeting and his dad was working. So then when we got to the top he picked one of those tiny sunflower thingys and tried putting it in my hair but his horse started moving so I did it myself 😂 so then we rode back and his dad got home and we did a bit of switching around so James and I could start a campfire and his dad could go riding. I was on the horse and he was right by it. We just looked at each other for a bit then I said, "I love you" and he said, "what?" And leaned closer cuz he couldn't hear but I chickened out again and said never mind. He just looked at me and said, "did you say you love me?" I said maybe and he just smiled and said "I love you too" with the SOFTEST eyes 😍 anyway so then I hopped off the horse and realized I lost my phone 😂 so Will hopped on a four wheeler and started back on the trail to find it, James and I put away the horses and then started heading that way. At that point it was light enough to see somewhat where we were going but not enough that if I saw a phone I'd be able to see it well. So he put his arm around me and we started walking. Will was getting annoyed we were taking so long so he came back and picked me up, was going to take me to the top, then bring up James. Well on our way back I saw it. So then Will said he could probably fit us both so we were clinging onto each other and that four wheeler for dear life 🤣 we then just kinda cuddled for a bit, made out for a bit, helped Sierra hose off their dog Trigger who found a deer leg. We started a campfire a while later and we had some deep conversations which is a big deal to me btw, it shows vulnerability. Deep conversations are like my favorite thing ever. Anyway so we roasted hot dogs and got a lil flirty back and forth it was hilarious 😂 so we eventually realized we had about a half hour before I needed to start heading home. He said, "so..... you're saying we have a little bit of time??" Then moved his chair over by me and we cuddled and made out, ya know, all that jazz 😂 then went back to deep conversations about how we were both kinda done with dating until Sierra set us up. He said, "one thing I always wished for was a girlfriend." I said, "is that what I am?" And he said, "if you want to be" then I got halfway through a sentence before going for his lips again 🤣but I got to say, "more than you know" so then we put out the fire and he took his dad's car on the way back instead of his truck and the car has a radio (James' speakers blew) so we jammed out all the way home, he was being an adorable goofball like at a stoplight he just leaned his head over and rested it on my shoulder then realized the light was green then panicked a little 😂 like that car ride was probably the most comfortable I've been around him and seemed like the most comfortable he's been around me. So I got home, he started getting out of the car and I pulled him in cuz I'm his girlfriend I can do what I want 🤣 then I got out of the car. He rolled down the window and looked like he was still tryna process what just happened and said, "I love you" like two or three times in between saying other things like, "sleep well," "be safe" and "see you next week" so it was amazing and aahhhhhhhh 🥰 anyway so date number idk how many I lost count was amazing too. Okay so he picked me up, when I went outside he kissed me and Will pipes up from the car, "get a room!" I said, "hi Will. And this is my house I'll do what I want" 😂 he's fun anyway so we ate pizza on the way, drove to his friend Kyle's house where we were supposed to meet him and Rooster ONLY but NOPE Mallory was there. Y'all the look on James' face, he was absolutely horrified. So was Will. James just looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry she was not supposed to be here I'm sorry I'm so sorry" like he was nooootttt happy. So we got out, she introduced herself, started a conversation, she was actually really nice but James just held me and didn't let go. He was hot because he had on two hoodies but he stood there sweating so he didn't have to let me go it was honestly adorable. Anyway so we drove to the maze, he immediately clung onto me when we got out of the car so I said, "getting protective, are ya?" And he said, "maybe just a bit," I laughed, then he added, "none of them are good enough for you anyway" it was so cute!! So we went through the maze, James and I were the last ones out but they stayed there for a few hours playing games in the maze, James and I stayed behind because I didn't want to overdo anything and have my body regret it later so we just stayed and talked but eventually there was a group of girls (looked like a young women's group) starting walking towards us (we were sitting by the maze entrance) and some of them started looking at him. He just held me close and said, "hey, c'mere," AND KISSED ME IT SHUT EM DOWN SO HARD IT WAS HILARIOUS 🤣 so anyway then everyone else wanted food so we went to Wendy's but they were closed so we went to little Caesars with the group before we went back to Kyle's place. On our way tho Will was talking to one of his female friends and the guy she liked and had a thing with kissed another girl in front of her so I turned around and said, "I've had my fair share of douchebags if they want advice" and so Will says to the girls, "hey I've got a friend in the car who has a lot of experience if you want to talk to her." They wanted to know who it was and he said James' girlfriend and I heard from the backseat, "JAMES HAS A GIRLFRIEND" it was so funny 😂 It got REAAAAALLYYY rainy and windy and thundery and lightningy so we stayed for longer than we planned until the storm calmed down a bit. Will went inside but James and I stayed in the car for a bit, ya know, 👩‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 a little, and he put his head on my lap and looked up at me, we were talkin laughin, having a good time and he started falling asleep so I just told him to sleep. HE DID THIS MAN SLEPT ON MY LAP IT WAS ADORABLE HES SUCH A CUTE SLEEPER anyway then we went inside, waited for the storm to chill, then went home. Then the whole thing about Will playin love songs!! Oh my gosh he had the aux cord so he was controlling music. He played all different kinds of love songs like One of the Good Ones, Love Story, and Greatest Love story it was hilarious like excuse me sir 😂so yeah it was amazing, he was VERY protective and it was honestly the cutest thing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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