Chapter 37~ Back to reality

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     As I woke up I looked around a pitch black space feeling around finding a flashlight in my lap swiftly flicking it on looking around seeing three others around me knowing their names knowing them as friends but as if I had been dreaming a second life was now trapped in my head the others slowly waking up and doing the same as I had.

     In the distance a voice rang out in the darkness a mans voice that was deep in tone but sounded far away as if it was all in my head the name it called out was framiliar though it slipped from my grasp "Trystan! my lord....wake up! its shad..." the more I tried to listen to what the voice had to say it seemed to slip from my power to understand it the words coming jumbled being interupted by the shrill ring of a bell.

"Teagan were going to be late for school!" said a disorientated Jupiter who jumped up and raced out of the space followed by Dylis and Monroe then myself as we raced up the stairs paying no mind to the room behind us as we rushed up and into the school catching the tail end of the bell for first period.

Now I would like to say that we learned our lesson to never go into creepy dark places or be scared of the dark but that is not how this story ends our freshman year of highschool finished off normal but when we said odd sentances or called each other by some odd name it felt as if we belonged somewhere else and not in this time.

     Our dreams as we reported were strange in a way most of us dreaming of knights and large castles and all kinds of strange wonderful things of the like, Jupiter often dreamed of dragons or being kidnaped, Monroe dreamed of death or the feeling of dying, Dylis dreamed of being the advisor to great kings and queens, and I...well I dreamed of finding a way to tell Jupiter I loved her or dreaming of sharing a life with her.

    I am happy to let you know this is not the end of our tale not just yet we have three more years of school to go how normal can our world get after an adventure of a life time?


Book two coming soon will you be brave enough to follow Jupiter, Teagan, Dylis, and Monroe on another thrilling chase through the darkness and into another life?

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