(Part 1) First Encounter

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Third person pov

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, his partner, is currently sitting at a cafe.

"So, I'm really sorry Tsukki, We can still stay as friends but no more than that. I can't take it anymore" Yamaguchi said while talking seriously at Tsukishima

"Tell me you're joking Yams" Shock and confusion is clearly written all over his face

"I'm not Tsukki, I'm breaking up with you" Yamaguchi said before storming off the cafe

Tsukishima was left dumbfounded. He's still processing the information that he heard from Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are friends. They were friends at first before starting dating. They were fine at first but, Tsukishima loves Yamaguchi more than what he needed to give. He's too possessive and stops Yamaguchi from going out with other guys even if they're just his classmates.

On the other hand, Yamaguchi feels suffocated by Tsukishima's possessiveness. He wanted to be free and do what he wanted to do. he wants to go out with his classmates, and make some new friends. With that thought, he broke up with Tsukishima.

Murmurs filled the whole cafe

They were talking about what happened to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi a while ago.

After paying the bill, Tsukishima walked around. Unfortunately, little by little, the rain started to pour that makes Tsukishima wet

Without thinking about it too much, He sat down on a bench and looked at the sky




Hinata was out for an errand when the rain starts to pour.

"GAHHHH! It's raining! It was too sunny a while ago but why is it raining now?" He keeps on complaining even though he brought his favorite umbrella with him.

"Why am I so unlucky today? I hope it stops soon" He added while walking home

On the way home, he looks around to see if there's something that will catch his attention.

When he passed by on the park, he saw a figure of a man getting drench under the rain.

"Huh? What is that man doing there? I think he doesn't have any umbrella with him"

"Should I help? But wahhhhh this is my favorite umbrella. Hmmmm..."

Hinata think not just twice but a lot of times before he approached the man sitting on the bench. He appeared at his back and put the umbrella over his head




Tsukishima didn't even move or try to find a shelter to keep him away from the rain. He was just sitting on a bench when suddenly, he can't feel the rain anymore

💭Huh? Did the rain stopped already? He thought and look around, just to see that it's still raining hard. When he saw that it's still raining, he looked up and saw an orange haired man holding an orange umbrella over his head

"Don't stay here, you might catch a cold" Hinata said and smile at Tsukishima

💭Who is he? An angel? Tsukishima thought since nobody cares even though they saw him on that state. People just passed by and look at him with pity, disgust, and doubt.

"Here!" Hinata gave his favorite umbrella to the stranger before walking away

But before he could even walk farther,

"I'm gonna get that when we meet again!" He added before completely running away

"He - He looks like an angel" Tsukishima said while still processing what happened

To be continued...

I hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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