Chapter 1

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It was cold. The social worker's car didn't have a heater. Henry shivers and wraps tighter in his hoodie. It was a very old brown and grey-ish hoodie, also it looked dirty and wasn't washed in a while. There were also a few rips and holes. His jeans didn't look much better, dirt stains on the knees and butt, roughly stitched in a few places and a little too big for him. His shoes were really muddy and just really played in his whole aesthetic.

The car finally stopped in front of a grey apartment building and the social worker turned to him. "Ready to meet your dad ? " he asked with an overly friendly smile. Henry shrugged and looked out the window and mumbled something in response. The worker sighs and gets out of the car, opening the door for him. " C'mon young man out of the car." He didn't look at her face and got out of the car and awkwardly waited for her to lock it. She rang the doorbell and talked to the lady in the apartment. Did that mean he'd have a new mom ? He shook his head like he wanted to get rid of that thought. No he didn't want mom, he didn't even want this dad but they insisted he would go meet him. Henry didn't expect much from this meeting, why would a man that abandoned him before he was even born want to parent him now ? That would be ridiculous. All he knew about the man was that he worked as a hooker and had blue eyes. His mother never shut up about the eyes ' azure blue like an ocean on a sunny day, the light reflected in them making them shine like diamonds'. That's how she always described them, she never spoke about him, well never when she was sober. Even tho that wasn't very often he still didn't know anything more and he didn't want to know more. He simply did not care about that good for nothing scumbag.

The lady in the apartment let them in and they were now entering through the door.

The social worker talked to the women that opened the door for them. He stayed in the hallway so he didn't really hear what they were talking about. . After a minute the worker turns to him. " Turns out your dad isn't here right now but Miss Fuyumi, your father's sister and your aunt will let us wait inside until he gets back". She explained the situation.

He looked at the door, Fuyumi it was an interesting name he heard it somewhere before but you can't remember where. She had white, shoulder-length hair with red red parts in them. Her eyes were grey-ish or silver-ish colour but when the light hit them they shined and it looked like fresh ice. He didn't want to look in her eyes too long so he looked away and walked in awkwardly. He hopped on the couch and sat down pulling his knees to his head putting his hood on and placing his head between his knees. He listened to the conversation between the two women. After a while he looked up a bit to see a little girl staring at him intently from the doorway of some other room. He sticked his tongue out at her and looked away again. She pouted and showed her middle finger, which surprised me since she was ...well young. 

He looked back at his knees and leaned his forehead to his knees. Then he heard the door open and Fuyumi went over, there could be heard whispers and then a man walked in . "Hello, I am Touya Todoroki. How can i help you ?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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