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"It's hard to keep going like this, Yubin."

"..what do you mean? What do you mean 'it's hard to keep going like this'?"

"I try so hard to be by your side..but you always pushed me away."

"I..I don't understand what I did wrong, Yubin." She continued

"Yoohyeon stop this nonsense!"

"Yubin, I just want you to know..I love you so much that I could die for you." She smiled

"Haha nice joke, Yoohyeon. Can you stop now?"

"Since our parents died we just stay in each other arms...not caring about what happened in this world. It's always you and me, Yubin. Just you and me."


"I love you too. I love you too, Yoohyeon."

"Isn't.. isn't that what you wanted to hear? Me saying I love you? T-that's why you are playing this jokes on me right?"

"Yubin, I want you to face the reality by yourself."

"N-no, Yoohyeon. What the hell are you talking about?! Just fucking tell me!"

"You're making this hard for me, Yubin. I don't want to go back to you. I....I chose this path myself." She said while walking away with tears in her eyes.


"S..stop please..." Yubin whispered as she saw Yoohyeon walks away.

I Love You So - 2YooWhere stories live. Discover now