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Thomas sat up, looking around frantically. "what the fuck?" he whispered as the box he was in moved up. He was trapped in a corner, surrounded by what he could tell was a crate.

Thomas writhed and squirmed, eventually getting out.

Around him were boxes and loud noises that screamed in his ear. "help me, please!" he yelled as the box started slowing down.

When the box eventually stopped, he fell, landing on the hard metal floor with a thud.

From outside, thomas could hear people talking, wait.. not people, boys? just boys? Eventually, the top of the box opened, revealing a bright light.

"who do you think it is?" a voice said, "i reckon he'll be a scrawny, scaredy-cat maybe, by the looks of it." another voice added, which made thomas frown.

"shut up fry, he's terrified." a voice added, he looked up to see a boy with weird eyebrows, reaching his hand down and offering one to thomas.

Hesitantly, he took it. "day one greenie, rise and shine."


After a very embarrassing and long attempt at getting out the box, he finally climbed out.

All around boys surrounded him, whispering and talking amongst themselves.

"he looks terrified!" a boy who's voice he recognised to be 'fry' said with a laugh. "i think the shanks gonna cry!" another voice added. "this greenie looks pathetic." another added, this was too much for him.

"everyone, shut up or i'll send you all to the slammer." a voice boomed from behind everyone. He must be their leader because everyone stopped and boys parted letting him in, thomas thought.

"w-where the hell am i?" thomas said, trembling. "chill out greenie it's okay, your in the glade." the boy said, not pausing to let thomas reply. "my names alby and i'm the leader of the place, what's your name greenie?"

"u-um, i don't remember.." thomas whispered, feeling very panicky.

Suddenly, his breath became heavy and he turned to see walls, massive walls that surrounded the fielded area. no no no not here, thomas thought.

Before he knew it, he was taking of into a sprint, towards the big space. He just needed to get away from everyone.

"GREENIE!" alby shouted from behind him, his voice becoming quieter and quieter as he ran further.
Just as he slowed down, the drowsiness took over.

"woah woah, what are you doing?" a voice suddenly said behind him and thomas whipped his head around to see a tall, slim boy, with blonde fluffy hair and an accent.

Before he could even say anything, he was falling down, taking the blonde boy with him. Thomas couldn't even remember how he fell, only that he was loosing consciousness.

"your pretty." thomas says as he looks up at the blonde boy. "bloody hell." the other boy said with a groan.

"over here!" a voice yells, alby? maybe? "gree-" thomas drowned out the rest of the conversation when sleep hit him.


"greenie?" alby said, annoyance lacing his tone. Thomas sat up with a yell, he was in a hole, a big hole.

"w-what the hell am i doing in here?" he yelled as he looked through the bars. "you ran and then passed out, probably a panic attack. don't do that again." alby replied, his tone softening. "who did you bump into before?"

"umm he was tall, had blonde fluffy hair and was slim." thomas replied, remembering the boy and how he fell.. oh god. He mentally slapped himself for being so stupid, how could he have told him he was pretty? fucks-

Thomas's thoughts were interrupted when alby said, "oh newt?" thomas looked at him strangely. "what kind of a name is newt?"

"hey, don't judge others greenie. everyone thinks your pathetic now because of the little stunt you pulled." alby aggressively whispered. "sorry." thomas replied, looking down at his hands. "if newt is a tall, slim boy with blonde hair then i think it was him."

"alright. now if i let you out of here, you cant freak out and run again, okay?" alby said, reaching his hand over to the bars. thomas shook his head in agreement. "good that." alby said with a smile.

i'm going to die in here. thomas thought, hesitating for a moment before climbing out.

"well greenie, i think you should meet some people." alby said. "CHUCK! NEW GREENIE!" he yelled, causing a small chubby boy to look over, smiling.

He looked about 13/14 ish, how could he be in here? thomas thought, suddenly feeling sorry for the young boy. "coming alby!" the boy replied.

when the boy finally made his way towards the pair, he smiled. "so greenie, this is chuck, your tour guide."

"oh okay, hey chuck." thomas replied. "hey! don't worry i'll show you around and help you out." chuck happily said. "hey alby!" another voice yelled from behind.

Thomas looked behind to see the tall boy from before, the boy he fell on. newt.

As newt came over, thomas stared at him blankly. He felt weird. "so your the greenie. i think i should introduce myself since we had quite the meeting before." newt said, reaching his hand out.

Thomas took it without hesitation. "hi, i'm newt and please never bloody do that again." thomas looked down at the hand that was on his, his stomach felt twisty and his hands felt tingly. "i promise i won't do it again." thomas added nervously.

"good that." newt replied and let go of thomas's hand. He almost felt disappointed that the blonde had let go of his hand, why?

Before he could say anything else, newt took off, not looking back.

shit. thomas thought, what the hell do i do now?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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