Chapter Two

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Gabriel's POV

My eyes bug out of my head when I see Sang go up on her tiptoes. I can't help the sigh of relief that escapes me when I see her kiss the corner of Nate's mouth. Then she whispers something to him, which causes him to wrap her up in a tight hug. I know something is going on, I'm not sure what, but I'm determined to find out. It started with North and I hope the asshole hasn't upset her yet again. If she ever ends up running off and telling us she wants nothing more to do with us, I'm putting the blame on him. I love North like a brother. He is my family. But I also love that girl in there. Guess you can't help who you fall in love with.

I watch them in their embrace for a moment before I do what Luke sent me in here to do. "Oy, breakfast’s ready." I paste a grin on my face because I don't want Nate nor Sang to realize watching their moment hurt a little for me. Since I walked away from her at school and got stabbed in the leg, we try and spend more time together but it's never that simple. We’re either doing homework, have one of the others with us or I get called away within half hour for academy work. I just want to chuck her on my back and carry her everywhere I go.

Nate and Sang startle apart and they both look at me. Nate looks worried for a moment before he shakes his head. Sang smiles shyly at me. Gosh, I hate it when she does that. After the last few months together you would have thought that she wouldn't be so shy around us anymore. "You alright, Trouble?"

Her eyes twinkle at the nickname. "I'm fine thank you, Meanie."

I wink at her. "Good girl. Now, let's have breakfast. I want to open presents." Yeah, yeah. I'm a big fucking kid when it comes to Christmas. I love wrapping and opening presents and seeing faces light up like the Christmas tree in your front room. That brings me happiness and joy and like spending time with my family. Right now, all I want to see is Sang's face light up like I've never seen it before when I give her the present I brought her. I hope she knows how much it means to me and I hope it means just as much to her too.

We all collect together around the table and settle down eating and munching away on chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs that Luke whipped up at last minute. With Christmas music playing in the background and laughter and smiles coming from everyone around the table, my heart warms at the sight and I crave for more times like these.

Whatever was going on between North and Sang has seemed to ease because when he walked in the room carrying a plate of pancakes she went straight over to him and kissed his cheek. Now her face looks like she doesn't have a worry in the world, it's a look I don't see often enough on her. I catch Sang's eye across the table. Her hair is still in place and the Christmas sweater I got her looks good. Next year I'll make one for her instead of buying it. My girl needs pink. I send her wink which earns me the smile that just made me love her more.

Sang POV

After breakfast North, Luke, Kota and Nathan wash up the dishes and pack them away. Then they finish getting together everything for Christmas dinner while myself and the rest of the boys sit in the family room and wait for them to finish up. My mind drifts back to an hour ago and my near kiss with North. My heart had been drumming in my chest and booming in my ears. I was so ready for him to kiss me but then the pancakes had to go and burn. I was so disappointed and hurt that a pancake ruined our moment. A frigging pancake. I couldn't hate that pancake even more even if I tried.

Then I had to hear him telling Luke that I would think he was an idiot if he burned a pancake. That hurt a little actually. I had a flash of hatred for a few seconds that he thought so low of me. But I have promised myself we'll talk about it later. We have to, otherwise the tension will grow and I don't want that. When I saw him walking in with all the pancakes I just had to let him know we were okay and by doing so I kissed his cheek, lingering for a moment and hoping he got my secret message with in. I knew he had when I pulled back and he smiled down at me. But, I also blurted it out to Nathan who then started saying that who has my first kiss doesn't matter to him, just as long as he got one.

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