(1) A Tasteless Beginning

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The thief thinking back on if he should have taken this quest. The quest was on the easier portion of the job boards in town. Something didn't sit right with him. He trudged on anyway knowing this tower probably has great treasures. 

He finds himself sneaking past a few of them to get inside and up a floor. This next part looks a little harder to get through. The next part was a single hallway that looked as if the goblins took strolls to watch. He hid behind the door until the goblins passed by thinking he was out of sight. He took his time waiting for them to get a ways down the hall, and started quietly checking the doors. Half way down the long hallway he checks another door that opens, but as it does a large creak echoes alerting anyone nearby. 

The goblins can be heard running back, the thief rushes in and almost closes the door. A single window shines light inside. He pulls his dagger and gets ready. They rush to right outside the door and slowly open it. Feeling some wind coming from the window they shrug and close the door. Some patter of steps can be heard going down the hall a bit. 

The thief breathes a large but quiet sigh of relief. Finally taking in the room it was fairly barren except for 2 treasure chests on either side of the window. The room didn't have any light source except for the window. He takes a look at them making sure they aren't trapped or warded. Taking another moment he goes for the chest on the right, and begins to pick the lock. A large clack sounds making him pause hoping that the sound didn't alert any guards. 

As the thief begins to open the chest he sees a bit of shine coming from the inside. Once he gets the top fully open he feels liquid on his hand and notices a tongue inside. The tongue lunges out wrapping around the thief pulling him in as he screams in horror unable to pull his limbs away from the now sticky chest. A hollow and squishy crunch is heard as the scream stops suddenly. 

The silence would be deafening if it weren't for the laughing and squealing coming from the goblins running back to the room. The door burst open as the Mimic finishes their meal. The Mimic spits up the armor and weapons on the floor just in front of the encroaching goblins. They take the pouch of gold, and then throw the weapons and armor into the other real chest. The goblins leave laughing and closing the door behind them. 

The Mimic notices a small book on the ground open to a page on mannequins and sewing. They take this moment to try and look like the mannequin, and succeeding fairly nicely. They take note of the outside and the possible horizon outside of the window, outside of the tower. Putting a wooden like hand on the sill of the window they are able to see more and get excited.

Looking over to the chest with armor and weapons they get an idea. The Mimic goes into the chest, pulling out a fairly nice full plate of armor with some rust on it and a helmet. Finishing the armor set on their body they begin to look inside the chest again. Grabbing the longsword inside and one of the fancier daggers. Feeling fully equipped the Mimic looks out the window one last time.

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