Chapter 15

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When it came to werewolves, neutral ground could be a very nebulous concept. Even if a visiting wolf was on good terms with a pack and welcomed to their lands, it was still smart to be aware—and wary. Becky certainly had been on edge since arriving back in America, and Seth could see the same tension in Drew's broad shoulders as well. Almost a week had passed since Finn recommended Canada as an option to Becky, and Drew had arrived late the next day, hasty permissions in hand. Arranging a meeting with Hunter was proving somewhat more difficult, because he wanted that fabled neutral ground. Becky had no intentions of returning to the Performance Center, not even if she was flanked by Seth, Drew, and Roman all at once. She had almost accepted an invitation to run on local wolf-friendly lands, but Drew quickly vetoed that, saying he was uncomfortable with how much land there was to cover.

In the end—and possibly because Roman didn't like having a werewolf of Drew's stature in his house for long—Roman suggested Hunter come over for dinner. "Galina can take the kids out for the night," he had explained, "so we'd have the place to ourselves if we want to run. I know every inch of this place and Seth basically does too. Becks, you've been here long enough that you're comfortable. Drew...." Roman's explanation came to a screeching halt when he turned to the massive Scotsman.

"I don't need to know my way around every speck of dirt," Drew had replied simply. "As long as I know where Becks is, that's all I need." Then he cracked his knuckles for emphasis, watching Roman intently as he called Hunter and started the delicate process of negotiation and planning.

On the day of Hunter's visit, though, Roman's estate didn't feel neutral at all, at least not to Seth. He'd spent much of the night before keeping Becky distracted—which he didn't mind in the least—but now that they'd eaten breakfast and Galina had taken the kids out for the day, Becky was starting to fidget. "We can still cancel," he told her as he sat beside her on the lounge chair by the pool. Roman was taking Drew around the property yet again, pointing out all the potential points of entry: Hunter had promised that he was coming alone, but they all wanted to be vigilant. "Or it doesn't have to be a run...."

Becky shook her head as she leaned against him. "Don't forget: you and Roman have both had a run recently. I haven't had a proper one since we got here, and Drew hasn't had one here either. I know it's not the full moon," she added, "but it might help keep tensions down."

"Or it might have people literally at each other's throats." Seth hadn't meant to say it out loud, but he knew it would have occurred to Becky at some point.

Lifting her head, Becky pressed a kiss to Seth's neck. "You don't complain when I'm at your throat."

Seth laughed. "Very different circumstances." He stretched out on the lounge chair and pulled Becky down with him. His warmth and solidity usually settled her, but he could still feel the tension thrumming in her fingers. "I know Hunter is a lot of things, and a lot of those aren't necessarily good, but he's also damn smart. He'll be open to talking."

"Hunter will," Becky agreed slowly. "But the final say will still be Vince's." She sat up abruptly and Seth turned to follow her gaze. Roman and Drew were heading back, purpose in their step. "Everything okay?" she called out.

Roman held his phone up in one hand. "Hunter's at the gate. Drew and I are going to meet him."

Seth scooted off the lounge chair and kissed Becky quickly before straightening up. "Hunter knows the way," he said. "He's been here before." There was no point in whispering, since Becky would be able to hear him, and she would suspect something if Seth went over to the other men, so he tried to mouth his questions very blatantly so Roman could read his lips: Something wrong? Someone with him?

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