Part 9 - Stone Table

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"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia! Empress of the Lone Islands!" We saw a little man say

Many voices said bad things as she was carried to Aslan. Aslan didn't seemed pleased, they both raised, The white witch walks towards Aslan.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan" The Queen speaks

I grab Edmunds arm for his comfort, the crowd murmured.
"His offence was not against you" Aslan says

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"

Aslan growls "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written"

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property" I felt anger with her words

Peter hold out his sword while I stand In front of Ed. "Try and take him then"

"Do you really think mere force will deny me my right, little king?" Peter felt conflicted but stood his ground.
"Aslan knows unless I have blood as the law demands" she turns around "all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water, that boy will die on the stone table" I grip onto Ed tighter "as is tradition" she turns to Aslan "you dare not refuse me"

"Enough...I shall talk with you alone" he tells the witch and they proceed into the tent.

We sat for while waiting for them to come out. We sat around playing grass out of boredom when the white witch exits the tent. She takes a Monet and looks at Edmund then walks to her chair. Aslan exits behind her.

"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood." The crowd cheers. I hug Edmund in joy.

"How do I know your promise will be kept?" We turn towards the Queen.

Aslan let's put a setting roar at the witch, with that the witch sat down and the crowd cheers again. The witch leaves but in all the excitement I notice Aslan looking a bit sad and walks away.

That night I awake to Lucy whispering Susan's and my name. "Lucy?" I question

She gets her gear along with Susan so I do as well and we follow Lucy. We watch from a far as Aslan enters the forest, what was he doing?
We follow behind carefully till he stops
"Shouldn't you three be in bed?" He asks with a lower tone.

We come out "we couldn't sleep" Lucy says

"Please Aslan, couldn't we come with you?" Susan's asked

"I would be glad of company for a while" he tells us

"Then we shall gladly join you" I say

"Thank you"
I could tell he sad but I don't know why.


We walk some ways through the darkened forest till Aslan turned to us. "It is time, from here I must go alone"

"But Aslan-"

He cuts Susan off "You have to trust me. For this must be done, thank you Susan, thank you Lucy, Thank Y/n and farewell"
Aslan began to walk off, I didn't know what was to happen.
The three of us continued to follow Aslan on another path and when we arrived there was shock and confusion of what we saw.

What looked like a table in the centre and many ugly and scary looking creatures held torches, cheered and screamed as Aslan walk up the steps to the table and there too was the White Witch.

The Witch look like she was melting, in such darkened dress she held a knife upon Aslan and the Stone Table.
"Behold. The great lion"

A Minotaur walked up to Aslan and the Witch gave a nod. The Minotaur shoved Aslan over with his axe.

"Why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy asked

"It's okay Lucy" I grab her shoulder

"Bind him!" The Witch says
And creatures around grab ropes and tie him up. His legs, and mouth tied together.
"Wait!" The Witch halts "let him first be shaved!"

The crowed cheers and grabs sharp weapons to shave off his fur. It was horrible to watch this happen.
"Bring him to me" the Witch demands

Some creatures pull him by the ropes onto the Stone Table. Theres cheers but then Is silenced by the Witch.
Some weird bird people taped their torches in rhythm and long others taped their feet.

The witch kneels down "You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one." She chuckles "so much for love."

The Witch stands up "Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" She calls out

Was she really going to kill Aslan? He couldn't possibly die.
"In that knowledge, despair"

As Aslan lays on the Table and the Witch hold her knife above, Aslan lays and makes eye contact with us, I felt tears in my eyes. "And DIE!"

The Witch brings down her knife into Aslan and with a noise From Aslan he fades in death closing his eyes.
The crowed cheers while us three sit in tears.

Aslan gave me faith in so much, His death is unbelievable.
"The Great Cat, is DEAD!"

After all was gone we approached Aslan's body on the Stone Table. It was gonna me morning soon as there was a little pink by the skyline.
We walk to Aslan and stand by him, Lucy pulls out the vile of her magic juice of healing but I had little faith with that and so did Susan.

"It's too late. He's gone" she says with her rickety voice from tears.

We all sit next to him, we all felt sad what else could we feel?
"He must have known what he was doing." Susan says

Lucy looked like she about to cry again and rested herself on Aslan.
"He did it it for Edmund" Us three than broke into tears once again.
As we mourned we saw rats chewing on the ropes.
"Get away! Get away, all of you!" Susan's tells them

"Their chewing the ropes" I say

Once the ropes break we pull it off of Aslan's body.
"We have to tell the others"

"We can't just leave him!"

"Lucy, there's no time, they need to know"

"How about the trees?" I intervene

We spread the message upon the trees to deliverer to Edmund and Peter so then us three stayed with Aslan.

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