Chapter 2

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that way

"there was a slight glint of amusement behind those cold, steel-grey eyes."


Tomorrow was the expedition. Though it was just to explore unknown grounds, I couldn't help but get an uneasy feeling in my chest. We knew someone out there, or maybe even a group of people, for God knows what reason, were trying to obtain Eren. I couldn't help but feel protective over him. Though I was only 2 years older than the said boy, I always viewed him as a little brother, always looking out for him.

I tossed and turned on my bed,but to no avail. I couldn't fall asleep no matter what. I abruptly sat and looked at the clock. '2:04AM' it read. Frustration rose and I threw my blanket off me and trudged towards the kitchen to make myself some tea.

As I approached the kitchen, I noticed the lights were already on, with a stream of orange flowing out of the cracked door. Of course, I already expected Levi to be there, since I knew how his insomnia was a pain in the ass. But I was kind of hoping to have some alone time to calm my unknown anxiety for tomorrow.

As I cracked open the door, I peered in. My hunch was right. There Levi stood, leaning against the counter, with paper in one hand, and a cup of tea in the other. He glanced up at me and commented "Can't sleep?". I sheepishly nodded and made my way to make myself a cup of tea. However, Levi stopped me and told me that he would do it, since he had leftover hot water he boiled previously. I nodded and went to the counter to sulk.

After a few minutes, a cup of tea came into my vision. I thanked Levi and took a sip, smiling to myself. He made it just the way I liked it. Chamomile tea with honey and mint. It always warmed my heart to know that behind that cold front, lies a man that cares, more than anyone would know. But of course, I'd never tell him that.

After a couple minutes of me sulking and him observing my very troubled face, he finally asked. "Tch. What's wrong brat? You look like shit." "No, you look like shit. Anyways, I'm just worried about Eren. You know? With the whole situation going on..." I mumbled. With this, Levi tensed up, face turning stoic once again. He didn't reply, and continued sipping on his tea.

Assuming he just couldn't be bothered with a reply, I gave a sigh and stood up. I went to put my cup in the sink to wash. I could feel Levi's eyes on me the whole time, but I couldn't be bothered to address it at the moment.

After I was done, I headed out the door. Right before I left, I teasingly sang out "Would you like a drawing of me? It'll last longer~" and exited the kitchen without turning back. I quickened my pace, trying the avoid the string of curses that I thought were about to be thrown at me.

Levi snapped out of his trance and mumbled "Tsk. This dumbass..."

void.  ------ Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now