Chapter Thirty-Four - Evelyn Tiras

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The shop is stone. I forgot that part.

We ring the bell, and the man who everyone knew as Mr. Pombei opens the door up. He frowns. "This isn't shop hours."

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind," I say bitterly. "We just want to talk."

It's strange. As if he doesn't recognize me. Or remember me. But then I see the dark passing of control. The facial expression of a man too far deep. "Oh, Miss Tiras. What a delight."

My body aches to scream the words, but I remain quiet. Aster must draw near. I curtsy. "May we?"

"Of course, of course." The Piper welcomes us inside. Good. Better to have bloodshed here instead of on the streets.

Why are you here?

The thought surprises me. It's not my own. It's raspy and familiar. It's not my own.

What do you mean?

Why are you here?

I'm here because I have...

To kill me?

I whip my head to the Piper, but his expression gives away nothing. It's him. It has to be him. I feel clammy again.

Are you with him? the voice asks.

Yes. I mean no. I mean...I don't know.

Is he here to kill me, too?

I shrug, trying not to answer. More thoughts shroud my thinking. What were the words that the spirit had given me? I forget. I forget. I forget.


A new voice. The spirit's voice. I remember it.

"Ere olaer," I say.

The Piper's dark veil recedes. His eyes become slightly more normal. But then it comes back. Stronger. "What did you just say?"

Come on, Aster. What are you doing? I scream in my mind. Was he being pushed around, too? I shake my head. "Ere olaer. Ere olaer. Ere olaer. Aster, use the knife!"

But he doesn't move. Aster's eyes are glazed over and conflicted, as if he's fighting through distorted thoughts.

I grab the knife. "Ere olaer." Then I stab the man in the chest.

He gasps wildly, taking me by the throat. I shriek. But then he's dead. He's gone.

I'm with Aster, but I feel terribly alone. Why must darkness always somehow win?

I look at Aster. "He's gone."

It almost appears as if Aster has woken up from a dream. "Yes, he is."

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