Mystic Toad

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"Is he dead?"

A strange audible voice echoed through the darkness that Bean was laying in.

"He's just a little boy. Oh, I know just the right thing to know if he's alive" said the voice.
Bean felt a wormlike thing moving around his ear. He opened his eyes and there was a grey-colored creature wearing a broad smile and a black symbol in the middle of its face, sitting on his chest close to his face.


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Bean and the creature took turns screaming at each other. He paused in confusion because the creature could make the same sound he made like a human and they both took turns screaming at each other once more.

"Why are you sitting on my face?"

"And why are you yelling?"

"How are you talking to me?"

"How can you... Wait! What? You can hear me?"

"Yes I can hear you, and how are you talking, you shouldn't be talking"

"Oh shut up, humans are so stupid, they think they are the smartest creatures in the world"

"But we..."

"Shut up little boy, humans are not the only ones who can talk"

"You're a talking frog, how's this happening? Am I dead?"

The creature now seems to be aggravated with what Bean said. The creature leaped off his chest onto the ground and Bean sat up turning towards the creature.

"There is some clarity I need to make here. First, I'm not a frog, I'm a toad, there's a difference! Second, I have a name and it's..."

"It's the same thing" Bean interrupted.


"A frog and a toad don't have a difference. They both jump around and make a croaking sound, well toads are uglier and chubby"

The toad began to increase in size and his skin turned red. Bean nudged backward in fear. The toad kept increasing till it became the size of a tree.

"Now you're scared to be funny? Now listen, I'm the mystic toad of the heavens. I go by the name..."

"Wow, that's so cool! how did you do that?" Bean interrupted again

The toad deflated like a loose balloon in disappointment.

"Ow, no one ever takes me seriously," The toad said shaking his head and wearing a sad face.

"Oh sorry, I have never seen something like that before" Bean uttered.

"What is your name?" Bean asked.

"Kemet" the toad answered reluctantly.

"I am Bean"


"Hahaha, that's the most ridiculous name I've ever heard," Kemet said while guffawing and rolling on his back.

"I'm... I'm... I'm sorry but your name is just too ridiculous. Bean isn't a name I've ever heard of"Kemet said while catching his breath from the laugh

"I know, other kids tell me that too. So will you teach how to do that?" Bean answered.

"Teach you what?"

"How to grow big"

"Uhh, it's called body expansion and I can do that. So you were unconscious some minutes ago. What happened to you?"

Bean explained to Kemet how an evil sorcerer had attacked his city and killed his parents. Kemet told him that he was so young to witness his parent's death and he consoled him.

"No human should be able to hear me talk except they are special. I think you have some powers inside of you that you haven't discovered yet. Only those that are worthy will be able to hear and talk to me" Kemet explained.

"Powers? What Powers?" Bean stuttered.

"You might still be young to figure it out" Kemet claimed.

"Look at that melon on the floor," Kemet said pointing to a melon behind Bean.

"Raise your hand towards it and say these words"


Bean turned around, pointed at the melon, and tried to repeat the words.


"Orange what?" Kemet exclaimed with anger. He tried to hold his rage and slams his face with his palm.

"Sorry I think the hunger is taking over me, I swear I don't know how the words came out," Bean said and giggled. His stomach made a rumbling sound which indicated he was starving.

"Ohh oh, that doesn't sound so good but I love it haha" Kemet started laughing again.

"I will help you on one condition, you have to say the spell perfectly, if you don't, then you'll have to starve to death," Kemet told him

"Okay" Bean then nodded his head in approval.


Bean tried to say the spell while raising his finger towards the melon. He failed after each attempt and this went on for about an hour.

"I'm a small boy, maybe the melon is too big for me," Bean said protesting.

"When it comes to the levitation spell, age or size doesn't matter. If you truly have that power then you should be able to lift an elephant" Kemet advised him.

"An elephant? Wow, that's even cooler. Ok, I'll try again" Bean said. Now he got more confident. He tried the spell again but failed. He didn't give up, more determined. He tried harder and it went on for an hour and a half.

"OSIRIS WINGASUS" Bean yelled. The melon slightly rose from the ground and then dropped to the ground.

"Oh! You are a special child Bean. You have great powers dormant inside of you. I have never met such a promising human child. You attempted the levitation spell at such a tender age" Kemet expressed gladly

"Now that you have proven yourself, I'll help you get food. You know how to make a campfire, don't you?" Kemet asked.

"I have seen my father do it by clanking rocks together but I don't know how to..."

"Perfect! Follow me" Kemet cuts him.

They both walked through the woods and got to a river. Kemet explained to Bean that casting a spell requires focus and determination. A fish popped out of the river, the fish made a splash as it dive back into the water.

"Bean, look closer and focus on the water surface, you can use the levitation spell to catch a fish when it jumps out of the water," Kemet told him.

"I thought you said you were going to help me" Bean objected.

"Hey, stop complaining and think of this as a way of perfecting the spell yourself. Besides you know how to make a fire" Kemet snapped.

"No, I do..."

Kemet cuts Bean out by snapping his finger and pointing to his face. He moves his finger in a clockwise motion and his body began to disintegrate.

"Good luck fishing" Kemet uttered in an echoing and fading voice as he disappears.

"Kemet!" Bean cried out trying to grab the mystic toad but he couldn't get hold of him

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