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My mother has always said that love is the most important job a woman can do. She drives me crazy with the same story of her and my father everyday, droning on about how she wishes he was still with us. I don't remember much about my father, but my mother definitely has some fond memories of him, and i'd hate for her to think i wasn't interested. It's terribly boring though, and sometimes i'd ask questions, and wish i never asked them. I have an older sister, Lorina, and whilst she isn't the kindest person in the world, she must be the wisest. We are polar opposites, whilst she's always got her head stuck in a book, i've almost definitely got my head stuck in the clouds, daydreaming.

I was strolling through a field i'd explored millions of times when i heard rustling come from the nearby rose bush. I love that bush. White roses. If only they were red. I have a reoccurring dream where i paint them red myself, but never sure of where the paint comes from. I saw a rabbit of unusual size, coming up to my knees. It smelt of shortbread and jam. Thinking nothing of it, i went to pet this peculiar creature. As i bent down it ran off into the woods. I sprinted after it, laughing the whole way. I race into the woods dodging every tree and panting out every breath. I was just catching up to this strange rabbit when i feel my foot caught on something.

With no time to stop my self from running, i trip and topple myself over into a supposed ditch. I fall straight through it into the most odd tunnel, filled with dreams and nightmares. I saw boys in pretty dresses and girls in shiny armour. I saw strange men with extraordinary hats and white rabbits with pocket watches. I giggle to myself as i see all of these mad ideas float around me. Floating. Falling. There's a difference. I got to experience that as gravity seemed to start to work again as i started plummeting towards the ground. I scream but can't hear myself whilst the wind screams back to me.

I smash through what seems hundreds of branches before i hit the wet ground. Standing up, i don't feel any pain, just a bit fazed. I wonder whether my own imagination was tricking me or whether i was in a dream. I kick myself in the shin, just leaving myself feeling embarrassed and a bruise. I brush myself off, hoping nobody saw me. I start walking in the direction of distant voices and laughter, almost cackles. I thought of all the questions i could ask these people. Where am i? Who are you? How did this happen? I could think of about a hundred more.

I find myself walking upon a stone path, feeling confused, i try not to cry. I normally love feeling confused, but this strange place did something to that part of me. I finally find a small garden with a table of the strange characters i saw in the tunnel on my way here. I had already seen all the people at the table except for one person. It was this girl. As soon as i saw her i felt butterflies try to escape my stomach. She was stunning. Dark hair just past her shoulders with eyes that sparkled like emeralds. Her pale skin looked as smooth as silk and her lips as plump as a partridge. We make eye contact and i can't resist but smile.

Princess of Broken HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora