Chapter 23

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I stood with Alison for a few more hours now. It's already 11.30pm and we both are tired. So I get ready to drive home and when I reach for the doorknob to get out of Ali's room my mobil phone vibrates. I groan and take it out of my pocket. I stare at the screen.
Why would Maya call me?

Hanna- Hello?
Maya- Hey Hanna! You really have to come to Noel's! Please hurry. It's Emily.
Hanna- On my way.

I hang up and look at Alison. I hope she doesn't know anything. But who am I kidding? Alison sees everything.

"Who was that?", she asks worried.
I don't want to lie to her. And I don't. We trust us and maybe she can help. But oh my... how wrong I was.
"It was Maya. I have to go to Noel's now. Something's wrong with Emily."
"I'm coming with you. And I won't take a 'no' for an answer.", she tries to convince me but doesn't know that I already made my plans with her.
"Okay. But we have to hurry. Something really isn't right."
She hurries up and in five minutes we are driving to Noel's. I keep wondering why she went there. And why wasn't she home? I told my mom to watch her.


We knock hard on the door and it opens revealing Maya. First Maya smiles at me but frowns when she sees Ali next to me.
"What?", Ali snaps when she notices Maya staring at her awkwardly.
"Sorry but I don't think it's a good idea you being here.", Maya says and and shifts from one leg to the other.
Before Ali can snap at Maya again I jump in. "Why? What happend and where is Emily?"
"First because when she came here by 11 o' clock she grabbed a bottle of vodka and a joint and when she was drunk and high she just broke down and repeated Alison's name. But not in a good way. But please come in and see by yourself." Maya takes a step to the side to let us in. We go into the livingroom and see there Noel sitting on the floor next to a sleeping Emily..also on the floor.
"Why didn't you put her down on the couch?", I ask when I slowly make my way over to Emily.
"We tried a few times. But she kicks around and flinches at one's touch. And when she hit me really hard we left her like that. We just laid this blanket over her and then I called you because she's different towards you. She would never hurt you. Nor Alison.", Maya explains. Ali just stands there staring at Emily. And here she sees the person she's in love with broken.
"Why did she smoke a joint? And why did you let her drink?", I ask.
"Because it's nothing new. Sometimes we meet here or at mines and smoke or drink. We tried to calm her down and tried to take away the vodka but she's way stronger than she looks. When Noel tried to grab it she pushed him so hard that he fell on the ground. And I think when she realized what she did she broke down completely. Just fell on the floor crying. We couldn't touch her.", Maza explains. I kneel down next to Emily.
I lower my head and whisper "Hey Em. It's me Hanna. We have to get you back home.", I say. I see her nodding but when I touch her she flinches an turns around. She's still a bit asleep. I look over to Ali and see her kneeling on the other side of Emily. Noel and Maya watch with worried faces. I never saw Noel with emotions but now I know that he's a good friend of Emily's. She nods towards me to try again and this time when I touch her Alison whispers to her "I'm here Em. I love you. So much. We have to bring you back home my love. Hanna's mom is waiting." She keeps whispering and I give her a smile when I feel Emily relaxing in my arms. I even see her smile. 


We are in Hanna's room. Emily sleeps on the bed and Hanna and I sit on the edge and just watch her. Emily didn't wake up the whole time so she doesn't know that I'm here. Honestly I'm worried and afraid of what she will do when she wakes up.
I realize that I was so stupid. I made her hide her sexuality. I said she isn't allowed to say or do anything. I told her not to look at me the way she does and not to look at other girls.
I treated her like shit. I said to her that I will come out soon but honestly I would have never done it back then. I never thought about it. I just thought about my reputation.
And now I'm sitting here. I sit here and look at my girl. Ouch. I can't say that anymore.
I thought I should let her go. To life her life without me. I was terrible. But I am in love with her. I would never let her go like that. I will fight for her. No matter what it costs. I will prove it. I want to be with Emily. I am happy with her. She means everything to me. And I just hope she gives me a chance. I will make it right.
So here I sit. Knowing that I hurt her. That I broke her. And it's killing me. And because of that I'm more than sure that I have to fight. Because she's the one. She is the one I could imagine a family with.

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