An Old Friend

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Only two weeks had passed, and the deal had come into effect. The truce was called. Espresso, Madeleine, Velvet, and Latte were beginning their journey to stop the empress. Now, how did this happen so quickly?
Just a few days prior, there was not much going on. Espresso and Latte did begin getting somewhere in their studies. Latte was able to test some light magic spell circles with red magic. They worked only partially, and all gave much odder results than they would have with light magic. Espresso remained completely befuddled.
Madeleine and Velvet, on the other hand, were continuing on making their plans to take down the empress' following, and eventually get to her.
"We may need to train more," Said Velvet, "We've definitely gotten more powerful, but they could have too.."
"But will we have the time?" Madeleine wondered, "Anything could happen at any moment, so we—"
And then, they were interrupted by Chiffon's barking.
"What is it, girl? What's happened?" Asked Velvet, trying to calm her down.
"That's what!" Said Madeline as he looked out the window. Just outside their house was Knight, another worker in the justice system! Madeleine opened the window.
"Has something happened?!" He shouted.
"Something indeed!" Knight yelled back, "If you haven't already heard, then let me tell you! The royal kingdom is under attack!! It was initiated by the Dark Empress herself!"
"WHAT?!" Madeleine shrieked.
"..I guess we haven't the time to train then..." Muttered Velvet. Madeleine and Knight continued conversing about the matter, meanwhile Velvet was trying to map out how their plans could work in his mind. He imagined the worst case scenarios coming true. The Dark Empress and her followers were extremely powerful, he of all people should know that..
The next day, Madeleine and Velvet returned to Espresso and Latte's house (along with Chiffon, who Velvet insisted should come). Espresso, of course, was less than thrilled to see them. Madeleine explained what Knight had informed them of, and Espresso reluctantly agreed they should work together.
And that brings us to the beginning of their journey. The four were on their way to see an old friend of Madeleine's, someone with extreme power who could give them advice on how to battle the empress.
"I don't get it," Said Espresso, "If this person is 'so absurdly powerful,' then why can't they join us and fight the empress?"
"It's part of a divine contract," Madeleine explained, "He can heal, he can advise, and he can train or mentor others, but he can't fight in battles. He must reside in his temple and watch from afar."
"How idiotic!" Espresso exclaimed, "Why couldn't he just build up his power himself..? My dear Latte is a master sorceress because she spent her life learning magic, and because of that she's strong beyond comprehension and can do as she pleases. Why would you give up your free will just to have a lot of power come to you easily..? How damn boring life would be!"
"Thank you, dear," Said Latte, "But perhaps there's something more to it. Maybe he also signed it to save himself..? I'm unsure.. But something of that sort, perhaps."
"You're always so quick to judge," Madeleine sighed, "It's a contract throughout his family. Don't you know about the five divine families? Oh, right, if its related to light magic or having good morals you toss it out the window."
Espresso interrupted him, "How dare you?! You're one to talk, you spoiled, brainwashed idiot! The justice system and the mass use of light magic are both unfair and you know it."
"Let him speak!!" Yelled Velvet.
"Boy, are you a handful.." Mumbled Madeleine, then continued, "They're five families who made divine contracts with light magic long ago. Because of it, the eldest child of each generation is granted divine powers, but they must guard all good beings and reside in their temples, unable to fight in battles. Oh, what am I, a second year history teacher?"
As expected, the two continued to squabble over the matter the rest of the way there. Espresso still couldn't bring himself to trust the world's protectors, but nevertheless, he and Latte went along to see Pure Vanilla.
And an hour or so later, they arrived at the gorgeous temple. With pillars of marble and tales of heroism formed into art and carved into the walls, it stood proud and tall.
"I'll admit, this is good architecture.." Latte said to herself. Espresso silently agreed. When they approached the large doors, Madeleine advised everybody to stand back, which they did. He then grabbed the handle and stood, holding it, until the carvings on the doors all began to glow. He backed away, and the doors opened.
"Have I a visitor?" Said a voice from inside, "Do come in!"
The place was more beautiful than the last time Madeleine had seen it. From floor to ceiling, beautiful plants covered the walls. It looked as if nature was reclaiming the place, yet it was well kept at the same time. Of course one of a divine family would live in such a beautiful building. In the back room of the temple stood Pure Vanilla, who then left to greet his old friends and—hopefully—new allies.
"Madeleine!" He said, "What a surprise. A welcome one, of course. How have you been?"
Madeleine answered, "Good, I suppose.. Though with the empress on the rise.."
"I've heard," Pure Vanilla interrupted, "I assume you need my advice?"
"Indeed we do." Said Velvet.
"It's nice to see you're doing so well, Velvet." Pure Vanilla commented, then taking them all into the back room of his temple.
"Espresso, is it?" He then said, "And Latte as well. You two will be of good use in this battle, I can tell."
"Uhm, thank you," Latte replied, then bowing out of respect. Espresso stayed silent.
Pure Vanilla then continued prophesying, "The royal kingdom is in need of help after the attack.. If you go there, you'll make connections and find allies. I highly advise you do so."
"We will," Said Madeleine, "Thank you." He and Velvet bowed, and he gestured for Latte and Espresso to do the same, which both did (Espresso with great reluctancy, of course).
Madeleine and Velvet conversed with Pure Vanilla for a while longer, and then the four set out to their next destination; the royal kingdom of Hollyberry. 

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