Chapter 1: The Problem

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(Writer to reader)

Y/N's POV: I was walking down the street from my apartment on 78th Road. I was heading to the grocery store. My friend was coming over and I knew I was gonna have to prepare the food. She couldn't really cook that well. But I'm straying off the topic. <What can I make for us... Its a sunny day. A Bombing 76 degrees outside... Maybe Pasta? Maybe?>

???:"HEY Y/N!"

I hear someone yell from behind me.

"Ah Gwen. Didn't know you were coming early." I say looking back at her.

 (ignore spidey in the background)

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 (ignore spidey in the background)

"What did you think I'd be on time?" She said looking at me putting her hand on the back of her neck.

"That's right.' you're either early or you're late. There's no such thing as on time.' Didn't you tell me that on the first day we met?" I ask looking at her as we walk towards the grocery store.

"I did, didn't I?" She says as we head into the store.

As we start walking around the isles I get a notification on my phone.

"Shit!" I say as I start running outside.

Gwen looks startled and runs after me. "What happened?! Fill me in here!"

"My Mothers in the Hospital! I'll be at my house in a bit. Just. Wait there."I say heading to the NYC Health+ where they took my mother.


Gwen's POV: <Y/N just...left....Then again his mother is in the hospital so I cant be mad.>I think to myself as I walk to his apartment. I try opening the door but the doors locked.

<Last time I remember a key being...> I think as I lift up the door mat to reveal a spare key.

"AHA!" I say triumphantly as I unlock the door and walk inside.

I take my shirt off and  I start getting ready to put on some pajamas but I ultimately decide against it so I just lay down on Y/N's Couch and I fall asleep topless.

<How Long will it be.....Before I tell him the truth?> That is the last thought that enters my mind Before sleep gets me.


Y/N's POV :

3 hours After he left.

I sit there feeling Defeated

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I sit there feeling Defeated. <First my Father leaves me with my Mother...Now my mother dies from a Tumor in her brain? > I think to myself before starting to cry."Why does everyone in this world that I'm close to Leave me....." he punches the wall next to his Mothers body who is now laying on a hospital bed.

"DAMNIT! DAMNIT ALL! IT WAS MY FAMILY! AN UNFINISHED SYMPHONY FOREVER UNFINISHED! " I yell now fully in tears as I collapse to the floor

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"DAMNIT! DAMNIT ALL! IT WAS MY FAMILY! AN UNFINISHED SYMPHONY FOREVER UNFINISHED! " I yell now fully in tears as I collapse to the floor.

"DAMNIT! DAMNIT ALL! IT WAS MY FAMILY! AN UNFINISHED SYMPHONY FOREVER UNFINISHED! " I yell now fully in tears as I collapse to the floor

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"I.....I cant do this without her guidance........" I say before remembering something.

{Gwens voice echo's in my head}'Even if you feel Down. Or Your at your lowest point In life. Just know I'll Always be here Right by your side.'

"I have to keep going....for her." I say as Iget back up and head towards the exit. "Good bye mom. Rest easy Now."  I say Closing the door behind me.

Unnatural love  Spider-Gwen X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now