Just Kim

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Dear Me,

The world will try to put you in a box. Always. No matter what. No matter how much you don't fit and how hard you try to worm your way out, they'll shove you back in.

And I get it. The box is nice sometimes. You can get used to this. It's comfortable, and it's safe. No one looks at you funny when you're jammed in your box. 

But the box isn't right. It's just a little too small. It's a little too misshapen. You need to let yourself stretch as far as you can go.

When you tell people, "I'm queer. Just queer," they will look at you funny. That's not one of their boxes. They can't file you away. They're forced to think. People don't like to think.

You'll want to hide. You'll want to fold yourself up and be tucked away in that box. But don't.

Let yourself stretch on and on and on. Let people think, and let people learn from you. Do it. Not just because it feels good, but because someone may see you and your stretching arms and open heart, and they may step out of their box too.

Don't let yourself be labeled. Let yourself just be Kim.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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