Chapter One: Introduction

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Hey Reader! This is my first fanfic sorry if its not that great ahaha. I hope you enjoy!
There will be more chapters coming soon, I have them pre-written so yeah.

Enjoy!! xx

Chapter 1:

Clay POV: As I drove, I gazed out of my car window. The same streets blurred past me, like they do every weekday. Finally it was my last year of high school though. Im sick of going to school every day to learn absolutely nothing. Even in year 12 they dont teach me anything. I guess Im a year older then everyone else, but that doesnt mean anything. 18yrs old and 19yrs old are basically the same age.

As I pulled into the school carpark, I see someone familiar pull in next to me. "Hey Clay," It was Nick.


"Good timing, right?" I rolled my eyes at him, and we made our way into the school. Nick could be very annoying at times, but always fun to hang out with.

We made it to the classroom of our first class with plenty of time to spare. There were only a few other people in here with us. "Karl needs to hurry up and get here!" Nick said angrily. Nick and Karl are probably closer then I am with any of them, but to be honest I dont mind third-wheeling a bit. Calm down, hell get here soon. "Hey, Nick, I need to return this book to the library its way overdue, Ill be back."

"Ok." He replied blankly staring out the door waiting for Karl. I laughed to myself and made my way out of the classroom and down the hall. More people were arriving now, so the hallways were jammed with people scrambling to get to their lockers. You would think that the year 12s would get good lockers away from the commotion, but no. We are right next to the year 11s. I dont mind it though. There is this quiet kid next to my locker. He is a year 11. I think his name was George or something. I never really see him with any of his friends, so I kind of feel bad for him.

When I finally made it through the crowd, I saw George sitting on one of the tables in the library. Thats a strange coincidence, I was just thinking about him. I shake the thought out of my head and return my book. It doesnt take long, and once I finished, I heard the bell go off. Id better get to class.

But just as I was about to leave, I noticed that George wasnt leaving to go to class. I figured hed had headphones in, and couldnt hear the bell, so I walked up to him.

"Hey, George was it?" I ask politely. The boy looked stunned that I was there, and when he noticed me, he seemed to flick the screen off what he was on before. It was facing away from me, so I wasnt sure what it was.

"Yeah, who are you?" Im guessing he doesnt talk to people that much.

"Clay." I hold out my hand to shake his. His hands were soft, and his grip on my hand was gentle. He pulled his hand away quickly and hid his face behind his hair. It was brown, and silky smooth. What am I talking about? Why am I describing him like this? I shake my head and turn back to the boy.

"I dont know if you noticed, but the bell went, so you should probably go to your first class." George looks up from under his hair, and at his laptop.

"Oh, crap yeah. Thanks." When he said it, his face flushed red in embarrassment.

"No problem." I half laugh, as I make my way to my classroom. It was amusing seeing him be embarrassed like that, I wasnt sure why though. I guess I liked making fun of younger kids.

George POV: Usually people dont talk to me. In fact, they seem to try to avoid me. So of course I was a little nervous when this tall blond boy came up to me. At first, I thought he was going to make fun of me or something. Luckily though, he was just being nice. I remember that his name was Clay. Thats a first. A year 12 being nice to me.

"I dont know if you noticed, but the bell went, so you should probably go to your first class." Clay tells me. I looked at my laptop screen to check the time.

"Oh, crap, yeah thanks." I could feel my face going red as I said it. I dont know why I was so embarrassed. I guess because Im not used to talking to people. I mostly just sit in the library and play Minecraft all my spare time. It was embarrassing that I played video games like that, so when the blond boy came over, I switched off the screen. I didnt want him thinking I was some looser. Well I kind of am, but still. Im not letting the first person who was ever nice to me think that.

After I got my things together, I headed off to class. I kept my face down at the floor the whole time. Hoping no one would notice me. But thats when I remembered something, Clays locker was next to mine. Maybe we could hang out sometime. Stop getting ahead of yourself George. He was just doing once nice thing. That doesnt mean you can harass him. I shook the thoughts of Clay out of my head and went to class.

Clay POV: When I finally got back to my classroom, the teacher had already started talking. It was Mrs. Robbins, and she HATES it when people are late. "Clay! What on earth are you doing so late?" Her voice seemed older then she was, and very angry.

"Sorry miss, I was returning a book."

"I dont need excuses, just sit down." As I went to take a seat, I noticed Nick and Karl sitting next to each other, giggly annoyingly at me. "Shut up." I mouth to them, hoping they notice.

But all I get back is Nick flipping me off. I shake my head and face the front of the room. They can act like children sometimes.

I must admit, I zoned out through most of the first and second classes. I might have to finish some of the work at home, but it shouldnt be too hard.

After the teacher dismissed us from second class, I picked up my books and made it to my locker. The teacher let us out late, so there werent many people around here anymore. But I did notice George in his locker. I went to mine next to him. "Hey," I say. I dont know why I was talking to him.

"Oh, Hi." He seemed to wonder the same thing.

"How'd your first two classes go?" I ask, starting conversation with him for once.

"It was ok." He says blankly. Hes a very strange person. I know that he likes talking to me, because of the look on his face when I first said hi, but he isnt very good at talking to people.

"Mine was good thanks for asking." I tease him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"You're an idiot." He says, clearly sarcastically. I was about to say something else, when two people walked up next to me.

"Whats taking you so long?" Karl asks.

"Yeah, whos this kid?" Nick asks, a little too rudely.

"Guys chill out, just go. Ill be over in a second."

"Whatever." Nick says, as they both walk off. George was closing his locker now, and getting ready to leave. "Sorry about them by the way."

"Its fine. See ya!" He says walking away with a huge smile on his face.

"Bye!" I call back. I was starting to like this kid. And it felt good to make him happy.

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