a dinner and a question

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Octavia was left alone in the living room, watching some more of the Simpsons while waiting for (y/n) to make a dinner for them. She had changed back into her demon form, as she knew (y/n) knew about it. "This is a real strange show..." Octavia said as she watched Homer strangle Bart, making her chuckle a little bit. After a while Octavia paused her show and got off the soft couch to look around the large house a little more.

Octavia soon found (y/n)'s room after walking upstairs, she opened the door and walked in. The room was quite well kept and tidy, though one of the shelves was a bit cluttered. It was lined with odd robots with car parts hanging of them. Octavia picked up a little yellow bot and looked at it "what are these things?" Octavia pondered as she put the little bot back and continued looking around the room.

-30 minutes later-

(Y/n) was soon done making dinner and went to go find Octavia. He walked into the living room to find Octavia wasn't there "huh, dose she have invisibility or somethin?" (Y/n) pondered as he searched the house for the owl girl. (Y/n) eventually walked into his room to find Octavia sitting on his bed and listening to some of his songs with his headphones, now that (y/n) realized that Octavia was back in her demon form. But he didn't mind (y/n) could tell what she was listening to as the headphones were pretty loud, She was listening to the Wellerman sea shantie.

"Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar, tea and rum. One day when the tounguin' is done we'll take our leave and go" (y/n) sung along with the song, catching Octavia's attention, she paused the song and took off the headphones. "How long have you been standing there?" Octavia asked "not long, I just walked in to find you and let you know dinner for us is ready" (y/n) said as he grabbed one of the bots of the shelf and started moving it in ways that are definitely not Human, after a moment the little bot was now a car, surprising Octavia. "How did you do that?" Octavia asked as she got up "it's a transformer, it's what they do" (y/n) said as he put the car in his pocket.

"You got to show me how to change one of those little things" Octavia said, making (y/n) chuckle as her and (y/n) walked out of his room and went to the dinning table in the kitchen. On the table was a big pot of spaghetti, a smaller pot full of tomato sauce and meatballs and on the side was a plate of Texas toast. "Wow, you prepared a whole meal! Thank you" Octavia said as she sat in a chair "no problem" (y/n) replied to Octavia. Soon the two started to eat the well made dinner.

After a good meal (y/n) got up and handled the dishes and silverware. "Man that was delicious" Octavia said aloud. "Thanks, I put a lot of effort into it" (y/n) said as he quickly rinsed the dishes. Octavia got up and walked over to the island in the kitchen and leaned against it, she wanted to ask (y/n) why he was being so generous to the demon who nearly yelled at him.

Octavia quickly gathered some courage to ask"Hey can I ask you something (y/n)?" Octavia asked as (y/n) dried his hands off "sure, what's up?" He asked the girl. "Why are you being so kind and generous to me? You know I'm a demon and being hunted, but you're being so kind and allowing me to stay here with you. Why?" Octavia asked (y/n), making him freeze a bit. "Nobody deserves to be stuck outside in the cold and be fuckin hunted to be possibly be tested on, whatever they may be" (y/n) responded, a small but gentle smile formed on his face as he patted Octavia's shoulder. "Really?" Octavia asked, tears forming in here eyes. "of course! A (l/n) keeps an hand out for those who need one" (y/n) said.

Octavia suddenly hugged (y/n) tightly. she rarely showed much affection to anyone, other than her father, but (y/n) saved her from the demon hunters and welcomed her into his home. (Y/n) was surprised by the sudden hug Octavia gave him, but he hugged her back. "Thank you so much" Octavia said before she started to sob and cry into (y/n)'s shirt. "No problem Octavia" (y/n) said, his heart was warm, fuzzy and full of butterflies. (Y/n) and Octavia had formed a strong bond with one another.

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