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The key variables that determine plant development and health are light, water, and nutrients. Outside, that would include sunlight, rain or irrigation, and the nutrients in the soil (as well as the pH of the soil, which impacts nutrient availability). The fault could be with any of them if plants are suffering or not performing as well as they should. If a lack of nutrients is the issue, adding garden fertilizer will only assist. For example, if your soil is soggy and not draining properly, or if your tomato patch is shaded by your neighbor's tree, no amount of fertilizer would help.

Organic or inorganic fertilizers are used in the garden. Cow dung, bone meal, and a variety of other sources can all be used to make organic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers are created by humans. The percentages of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous (potash) included in the fertilizer are represented by the N-P-K values on the bag of garden fertilizer.

The fundamental components required for plant growth are nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. For optimal growth, plants require sufficient amounts of N, P, and K (relative to each other). Nitrogen is required for plant growth – leaves, stems, roots, and fruit; phosphorus is required for cell division, which aids in growth; and potassium is required for chemical reactions such as disease resistance and starch synthesis. However, just because a bag of garden fertilizer contains a high concentration of one of these components does not guarantee that your garden plants will utilize it. Plants, in reality, will only take up what they need and ignore the rest.

An excess of nitrogen can degrade the quality of fruits and vegetables while also increasing pest and disease issues.

Chlorosis is a yellowing of leaf tissue caused by a loss of chlorophyll caused by an excess of phosphorus.

Adding nutrients that plants don't require can lead to an imbalance and subsequent nutrient shortages.

Plants will be able to better utilize the nutrients in the soil if you safeguard the health of your soil using organic practices and amendments. To maintain and build soil structure and aid microbial activity, test the pH once a year and apply compost on a regular basis.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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