Wasn't He Suppoused to be a [[BIG SHOT]]?

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So. This is my first one shot ever and for some reason my head decided to make it about Spamton. I don't know what to say. I just find his story really interesting. And I wanted to write down almost every headcanon I liked about his backstory.

The names of the Addisons are from: tatangadragon on Tumblr (https://tatangadragon.tumblr.com/post/663772252428533760/drew-all-the-addisons-also-tried-coming-up-with)
I loved their art so much and really inspire me to write this. Among with a lot of the Spamton lovers on Tumblr and their amazing fanart and headcanons. I just couldn't help myself.

So here it is.


"Spamton? We don't talk about him." "I haven't heard that name in a long time?"

Those were his brothers last words about him. Sad, isn't it?

Oh, but don't pity little old Spamton. No. He got what he wanted. And there is nothing wrong with just a taste of what you paid for.

"Lighteners just never turned his way." "He was unlucky."

That's how it began. With a little salesman trying to make a living in the cyber world.

It was another night at the cyber grill. The Addison brothers were having their usual meeting. Talking about sales going good, sales going bad. As always. But they never were down, because they knew that even if it wasn't a good day, the next one would be different. Every member of the family believed that.

Even the unluckiest guy of the group.

"I am telling you. If you tried working with my guys, you would gain more visits!" Vi enticed his youngest brother.

Spamton looked even more tired than usual that night. It had been a rough day after all.

"I don't know, Vi. You know your guys and me don't usually get alone. They all know... me." Responded the little white guy after downing his drink.

The blue guy looked at him with pity in his eyes. Spamton hated that look. The same look his brothers gave him since he started in the business.

He knew it was difficult for him. His brothers didn't experience the same when they started. And he didn't understand what he was doing wrong. Was he really that unlucky? Is this what the program had in store for him... Why couldn't he just... grow?

"Cheer up, Big Shot!" Bann interrupted his monologue. Another drink in hand. "Yes, we all know you've had your rough days but something, eventually, will come up!" His smile seemed contagious as it made his little brother smile.

"Bann is right! This won't last forever." Joined Poppy while ruffling the white hair. "Weren't you the one telling us you were going to make it big some day?"

The Addison brothers cheered for his brother until he recovered that energy he was so known for.

"Oh, just you wait!" Spamton stood on the stool. "I am going to be a Big Shot! The biggest one!" He took his brother's card from the table and pocked it.

The rest of the night was as the others. Until all had to leave to start a brand-new day. Full of brand-new opportunities.

Anything could happen.

And it happened.

Surv was doing his round as usual. He just finished with a client, so he decided to check on his brother. They knew he was going to give it a shot with one of Vi's guys. Might as well pay him a "good luck" visit.

Wasn't He Supposed To Be A [[BIG SHOT]]?Where stories live. Discover now