Chapter 10: Yet

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@Deenas_drumsticks go to sleep for the love of god 😭

POV: Puffy
"Hi Cara!! How's Ireland going?" I'm sitting in Minx's comfy streaming chair and speaking with my mom while Minx and Rhianna set up.
"It's amazing! I mean I wish you were here so you could meet Minx" I say in a sad tone,
"It's alright, you two should have some alone time anyways" What is that supposed to mean?
"Cara you look tired...are you sleeping alright?" I feel my face going red
"Uhm...yeah! Yeah. I'm sleeping fine. Just time zones I guess..."

"Oh so I'm times zones now?" I snap my head towards the door to see Minx standing there in all her glory smirking like the little fuck she is.
I aggressively nod towards my phone when my mom says,
"Is that Minx?" Minx's eyes widen as she hides a laugh under her hand which flies to her mouth.
"Y-yes! Hi! How are you?" She says and I turn the camera towards her and sh begins talking with my mom. She goes and sits on her bed, leaning up against the headboard. I pull my knee up to my chest and leaning my head on it, I smile at them getting along so well.

"Oh my god that's Puffy!?" Shit.
"What's me? Mom what're you showing her?" I get up and walk over, sitting next to Minx, everything on my left side is touching her right and I feel little butterflies in my stomach.
"Oh, nothing! Nothing...just some baby photos"
" didn't show her-" Minx starts to giggle,
"The bathtub ones? Those are my favorite! Hold on for a second, I have to go check on Blue, he's been jumping on your computer lately." She puts the phone down and Minx mutes, turning to me and whispering in my ear,
"You were a very adorable baby" She leans away then comes back,
"I mean, you're still just as adorable" I turn to her and give her a light kiss

"Hi gu- oh! I didn't know you two were...together!" Fuck I forgot
"I uh- what? No! We're not-" I begin but Minx cuts me off,
"We're not...yet...I mean" She looks at me,
"Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to assume"
"No, it's fine mom" We're silent for a moment before we talk for a while longer, about things we've done in the few days I've been here, but not everything. When Rhianna walks in,
"Minx you almost ready?"

(A/N: Sorry this is a super short chapter, I have a really bad headache and it's 11pm. Ly all :) )

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