Copyright: All Rights Reserved.

© 2021 Gianna P. 

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and history are either made up or used fictionally. This is my original work.

It is illegal to plagiarize or reproduce in any way without the consent of the creator which would be me.

Don't use my work without my permission, and we are good.

That being said, I have not given any permission for this to appear on any other apps or profiles on Wattpad. If you find my work anywhere else please notify me.

In dedication to my best friend who is always there for me. She can practically read my mind I swear.  


Welcome to the Journal of Autumn

On the line below it clearly states who can read this.


Just for your information, the first paragraph was written after I was finished.

So listen, I did the summer assignment, I just don't want you to read it. At first, I thought I would just write about my summer, but it got too much, too much of a personal level. When school starts I'm not going to be the student that says "I did it but my dog ate it" don't you dare judge me, as unoriginal as that sound, it happened to me, and thanks to all of you who use that excuse, I was given triple the work. I'm not going to say I was sick or absent, I'm not going to blame it on my siblings, and definitely not going to say that I waited the entire summer to tell you that I didn't understand the assignment, I did do it, I just don't want you to read it. No, my backpack didn't get stolen it's just too personal for you to read. If you found this somehow, please just put it down and don't keep turning pages. I should have burned this a long time ago, everything in this is nothing that I want anyone to read.

So every single student in the school was given a 'journal' to write in. The assignment was to simply fill the journal over the course of our summer break. It was optional, with extra credit in every class if we did it. At least only the teachers are the ones reading this if I decide to submit this. I love writing, so I am going to do the assignment, if I'm going to turn it in or not, is the real question, as of right now I am undecided, you see I left that first page empty because I was undecided, one of what I was going to call this, and two of what my note to readers or trespassers, depends honestly on what I write in this.

I think I should start by introducing myself, my name is Autumn. Since you can't see me through the pages I should probably explain to me the best I can. So I am five-four, I have brown hair, that is currently two-thirds down my back, and I have the tips dyed red right now. I kind of like it, and sadly they are getting lighter and lighter by the day. I have green eyes, they are the same color as emeralds, what shade of emerald, I couldn't tell you, someone just told me that before.

Even though you are gone, no not dead, just gone, not in my life anymore, those memories haunt me, no that would be the wrong word, I don't feer the memories, they drown me, in things I'm not ready to remember yet. It the little things, a certain smell, was enough to take me back.

Reading this, if you are, I think you should understand that this was written in several days.

So I saw that delicate flower. The sour one. The one that we used to eat all the time. Several times I tried to convince my parents or grandparents to eat it, they always agreed on one thing, they always said the same thing, "yuck that tastes like dog piss" how they know what dog pee tastes like I don't want to know. The sourness is welcoming. I feel like I am finally home.

So I wrote a few hundred words and published it, at the time I was tired and vulnerable, I wrote a lot from heart, and instantly people thought I was severely depressed, or suicidal. They kept making sure I was okay. I wrote that in the first place for people to understand me better, instead, they thought I was something I wasn't, I'm just heartbroken, not depressed or suicidal. I hate being misunderstood.

So my brother asked how I got that huge scar on my leg. I was crying without even realizing it when I replayed the memory. There was a foolish grin on my face as tears cascaded down my face. I remember that day perfectly. It was my first scar too, my best friend swears that she could see the bone, nearly popping out. Whenever my parents remember that, they say how I didn't take off the bandage and they never knew how bad it was. It was big enough to get stitches, but I never did because of my own stubbornness. Over the years it has slowly faded, but it is still noticeable if you know where to look on my lower leg.

It was painful when my school did a cakewalk. The worst part was I won. All those years of swearing I was cursed so I couldn't win was wrong. I won. I guess my excuse was you weren't there to see it happen, so it never did.

Every time I go to the beach, I remember. I could say I remember a lot but I was only in second grade so give me a break. The most memorable part was nearly drowning. I guess that will do a number on you. I'm not scared easily unless my brother jumps out on me. Near-death, experiences don't scare me. Funnily enough, I nearly drowned in my pool the other day, I had this awesome idea, you see I was wearing a swim top, that was a long sleeve. I stretched out the arms then attached the arms part to my legs. Then I foolishly tried to swim, I started to drown, but luckily enough one of them came off, and I was able to not completely drown. I am so glad no one saw me. I think you will remember what happened at the beach, all those competitions and everything, anyway it made it to my top memories, why it is so important to me, I have no idea, but the beach feels very homie, always has always will.

Honestly, I don't know what to put here, I have a few more pages, and I'm lost on what to write.

My secret isn't holding me down anymore. I was talking to my best friend and I told her. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

My summer has been great so far, spent a week with six of my friends in a cabin, by some lake. There were no parents and we had a blast. It was by far the highlight of my summer, I went camping with my family, I saw my best friend and we caught up, I traveled to Organ to see some relatives, they own a ranch and it was awesome! I got to horseback ride to my heart's content. I am excited about the eleventh grade, but I am dreading math. I am good at math it just is time-consuming, when I rather am horseback riding or writing. I have ever been so dedicated to writing, so thank you to whoever came up with the idea of writing a journal. I have my first day of school tomorrow, and I have decided that I am definitely not turning this in, I will just say that I did it but it was too personal to share. Or I will lie and say I never did it. I know it is not a lot of writing but I am running out of room. Thank you for not reading this, and thank you for closing the book and not nosing in my business.

I really appreciate it.

I hope you are feeling a load of guilt like you should be feeling.

Have a great life, break the law if it is stupid, I love saying stupid with a British accent, why, I have no clue but I like it. Anyway, stand up for things that you find wrong. Be you and most importantly be happy.




I hope you enjoyed it, I was trying to work on another chapter of Soñadora but I had Soñadora writer's block so I just started writing. 

Lot's 'O Love


Until next time, don't forget to vote :)

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