This is the best gift you could give me my love

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Salem, Massachusetts, "The Witches of Salem" souvenir shop

"Here's for you, have a good evening" Said Opal, handing a paper bag to a client

"Thank you very much, good evening to you too, miss

- Don't hesitate to come back" Said Morgana to the customer as she was leaving the store

"With pleasure"

Morgana smiled and closed the door behind the client

"It was a good day, I'm exhausted

- Me too" Suddenly Opal saw Raphael waiting for her outside the store

A big smile spread across her face

"I will be back"

"Ah love" Thinks Morgana, smiling

Jasmine came out of the store

"Hey my love

- Hey my beauty" Raphael tenderly hugged his girlfriend, lifting her slightly off the floor and kissing her tenderly

"You had a good day ?

- Yes but very tiring, we had a lot of customers at the shop and you ?

- It's a lot better now that I'm with you"

Opal smiled tenderly, tenderly stroking Raphael's arms still around her

"I love you

- I love you too"

Raphael kissed Opal again

"You're done ?

- Not yet, we finish tidying up the store and I'm coming"

Raphael tenderly took then Opal's hands in his

"Wait sweetheart, I have something to tell you

- I also have something to tell you

- You first

- No, you

- I've wanted to do it for so long"

Raphael knelt, then, in front of Opal

"Opal, my princess, you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life I love you, I love you more than anything in the world, you fill my life with joy and love and I couldn't imagine my life without you, you're my everything ... Opal, my love, will you marry me ? "

Tears roll down her cheeks, Opal nods happily "Yes, of course I want to marry you"

Raphael pulled a ring out of his jacket pocket and passed it tenderly on Opal's finger before straightening up and kissing her tenderly, taking her face in his hands

"I love you

- I love you too my Opal, so what did you want to tell me ?"

Smiling, Opal took Raphael's hand in hers and placed it on her stomach

Raphael looked at his hand on Opal's stomach then looked at Opal

"Does that mean ..."

Opal nodded happily

"Yes, I am pregnant"

Rapahel's eyes widened before hugging Opal, spinning her in the air, overjoyed

"My love, this is fantastic !! We are having a baby !! I'm so happy !

- Me too" Replied Jasmine, smiling and snuggling even closer to Raphael

Raphael tenderly kissed the top of Opal's head and whispered "This is the best gift you could give me my love"

Opal looked then at Raphael, smiling tenderly at him

Raphael tenderly stroked her cheek before suddenly bending down and kissing her belly tenderly and lovingly

"Hello baby, it's daddy, your mommy and you are what I hold dearest in the world, I love you both so much, I can't wait to meet you for the first time"

Tears in her eyes, Opal tenderly stroked Raphael's hair

Raphael looked at her before getting up and kissing her tenderly again

"Does your mother know ?

- No, I wanted you to be the first to know"

Raphael smiled and brushed a piece of her black hair behind her ear before taking her hand, tenderly intertwining their fingers

"Let's go tell her the goods news"

Opal nodded happily

"I hope she doesn't turn me into a horrible creature"

Opal giggled a bit and they walked into the store

Morgana was ecstatic and to celebrate the wedding and the future birth of the baby, they went to the restaurant

A little later that evening, Opal and Raphael were lying on Opal's bed in her room

Raphael was laying tender and loving kisses all over the body of his beloved, not stopping whispering "I love you"

"You too, I love you" Whispered Raphael against Opal's stomach before kissing it tenderly and lovingly

Opal, smiling, tenderly stroked Raphael's hair

Raphael lay down next to Opal and she took the opportunity to snuggle up tenderly against him

Raphael tenderly kissed Opal on the forehead and put his arms around her before whispering "I want a girl, a girl as beautiful, intelligent, perfect as her mother"

Opal smiled and Raphael kissed her lovingly

The next morning when they woke up they found very worried new on the newspaper

~ Another witch hunt in Salem ? ~ 

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