2) Happy New Year!

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Sorry that I haven't updated in like what, two months? Three months? I used my typing time to read like two books for my English class. I'm done with the one of the books now! So, hopefully I'll be going back to my regular updates every Tuesday-Thursday pretty soon since I'm almost done with my second book.

And yeah, this suddenly turned into a two-shot. Oh well. More for you guys to read I guess.

Again: I'm apologizing now for how similar Will's and Percy's personalties seem to be. If it doesn't seem that way to you, then that's even better.


Percy Jackson

I cracked my eyes open. I was expecting sunlight to appear in my line of vision, and then I suddenly remembered that Cabin Thirteen didn't have any windows for natural sunlight to seep through.

I exhaled lightly, burying my nose into the softest and silkiest hair I have ever felt. I inhaled deeply, smelling the extravagant scent of pomegranates and vanilla. Gods, I loved it so much. I need someone to get pieces of Nico's hair and make a pomegranate and vanilla perfume. I mean, I'd wear it. Maybe the Aphrodite kids could do something about that?

My arm tightened around his waist as I pulled Nico closer to me. I lifted his thin shirt up and slid my hand along his back, feeling his smooth skin that seemed absolutely scarless no matter how many battles he had endured. I ran my lips across his ear with my eyes shut. And just a reminder: don't tell Nico that I molest him like this while he was sleeping. And yeah, I did to him every morning. It was a fortunate thing that Nico was a heavy sleeper, or I would've been caught much earlier.

I lifted myself up with an elbow and hovered of Nico's sleeping form. I placed a hand along his cheek as I turned his head toward me, rubbing slow, invisible circles along the surface. Gods, Nico's angelic face alway made me want to take him on the spot. I mean, just imagine that angelic face contorted in pleasure as I thrusted deeply into his entrance while tongue-kissing him at the same time. And whenever he moaned my name...

Okay, the last time I thought further than that, I had to run to the bathroom and take care of my boner. I was a bit too lazy to run to the bathroom again.

I mean, yeah I have never had sex before with anyone. However, I had never felt so passionate about a person before. With Annabeth, I did experience feelings of love, but not as strongly as when I was with Nico. Dam, Aprodite seriously got her revenge against me. I thought I was going to be with Annabeth for the rest of my life. Hell, we would've both been residing in New Rome by now if not for our little fight that happened all because of Misery. You could say that I was a bit... Miserable.

I blinked momentarily, drawing myself away from my thoughts. My line of vision eventually found Nico again with his red, plump lips slightly parted as he breathed lightly.

I sighed, lying back down on the bed and running a hand through my hair that was identical to the color of my boyfriend's clothing. Did I regret not being with Annabeth? Well, a little I guess. It's only been a few weeks since my relationship with Nico began, so of course I still wasn't completely accustomed with being with him. I was still recovering from the break up that I had with Annabeth. We experienced so many battle and endured multiple enemies together. I even snuck on a quest so I could save Annabeth from Atlas' grasps.

I turned my head to look at Nico, who was now snuggled comfortably against my arm. Whenever I looked at Nico, all I could remember was how much I envied Nico and how much stronger he was then me. He still continued to say that I was stronger and braver and more courageous then he would ever be, but that wasn't true. To me, Nico lost everything. His only true family who ever cared about him. His personality disappeared when he was only ten years-old, and he endured the great labyrinth that Daedalus built with no one but a ghost who ended up betraying him. He saw Tartarus as its most fearful form since he was the son of Hades, yet he still faced the terrors and obstacles in there all alone. Everything and everyone was an enemy to him, but he ventured through alone to find the Doors of Death. He even continued to support me through both wars even if I was the one at fault for taking Bianca away. I still couldn't believe I actually thought that Nico despised me.

Percico-New Year Two-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now