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Well I'm dead inside, even more than before. I literally started crying in third period today, like why? I can't even.

Even though he's out, I just hope he's okay. Because at concerts there were thousands of people chanting his name, and he was still so upset.

I hope he finds his happiness.

I feel so bad for Harry, all of them basically. They were a family, they still are. Harry would cry for hours when Zayn just joked about quitting the band, how is he feeling right now?

Now, I'm gonna go lay in bed, put on shuffle for only One Direction, and cry. Because I was to suppose to go to a concert this summer. I was so so excited for Zayn's highnotes but I guess I'll only see 4/5 of them. I can't see them being One Direction without Zayn. I just can't.

But I am happy that other Fandoms are helping us, and being considerate of our feelings. Thank you.

Just right now, I hate everything and everyone... especially you management

Sorry about this, I'll leave now, bye.

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