Anything That Happens Next Is Up To Me

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When I finally locate the orb that always seems to be around when I don't want it to, I ask it many questions that I demand answers to.

"Why me? Huh? What did I do to deserve this?" I ask the orb confused with an undertone of fear in my voice.

"Oh... Everything will become clear eventually..." Spoke the orb as it slowly dimmed out of view.

Before I could comprehend what was happening everything went dark. I wake up to the sweet smell of flowers and summer grass. I sit up and I'm outside! I cannot believe it. How could this be? They wouldn't just let me go. I was sworn in to be a Hunter.

I walk around I see my childhood home. I walk in to see some people sitting at the kitchen table. Just as I call out mom they all turn around. It's that thing from the woods but it's different this time. There's more than one. My first instinct is to run. But that's what they want. Thet want me to run. They feed on fear. I cannot show any emotion no matter how much I want to be afraid.

I stay there and evaulate what's in the house that I could use as a weapon. I remember in my parent's room that my dad's guns are there. I run past the creatures and swiftly make my way to my parent's room. I have to think where my dad kept the keys before he died.

Locating the key, I frantically fumble to open the cabniet. I find his favorite gun with 5 bullets in it. I think to myself, just enough. Just enough for those evil creatures invading my home. Slowly, creeping down the stairs I see that some of them had moved on to another part of the house. Two are left at the table. Taking aim I lock onto the first monster and fire. One down and 4 more to go. As I go around the house I take out the remaining monsters. When I abliterate the last monster's skull I sit down in hopes of a second alone.

When I go to leave somehting in my dad's study made a noise. I go up to investigateand hear that it's coming from behind his bookcase. When I lean in closer the bookcase slides open. It reveals a hidden room that had many old, secret books I have never seen before. When I go to open one it opens up to a page without my help. When I read some of it it speaks of a transformation form human to orb. I can't believe it. My father didn't die he turned into an orb. Everything is clear. Then it all goes dark again.

Yeah so plot twist! I figured that a plot twist would be good right about now. My updates won't happening all that ofte because schoool can get pretty uncontrollable sometimes.

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