Good morning, Earth.

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Good morning, I hope you've slept well. Taking care of yourself is very important. I'll tell you about my day so far if you tell me about yours in the comments.

Today is 13 October 2021.

"Please remind yourself to tell them you love them."

Today has been long. It's only 10:21 and it already feels like it's been longer, I'm at school currently, I'm a freshman in highschool. My name is Krimski, I feel bad. My age is unknown, I feel tired. My favorite color is yellow, I feel down.
I feel bad because I've been having constant nightmare. I feel tired because I'm so restless at night. I feel down because I don't have anyone to talk to... Except for you.
My nightmares? Oh they're awful! There's one... It's reccuring. I feel weighted down by my hands, they are heavy, they hurt. I remember, vaguely, when I was young I woke up in such a panic, I had had that dream, but the only thing was... The feeling of my heavy hands didn't go away. I went to my Oma/grandmother in German/ screaming and crying that my hands hurt, that they were so heavy. She ran my hands under water, that didn't help. She gave me some medicine, that didn't help. I went to sleep that night with heavy hands, and the dreams only get worse from there.
I'm in my neighborhood, but it's all distorted and I feel small in this big big place. I'm running, I don't know from what. Maybe an animal, maybe a person, maybe neither. Maybe it wants to hurt me, maybe not. Maybe it's more scared of me than I am of it... But I don't know. I wake up before it gets me. Every. Time.
There's one, not reccuring but it has to mean something. I'm in my agriculture class, I'm nervous and have to get out of there. I ask to go to the bathroom and she sends me through a door that wasn't there before, it's a big bathroom with very small crawl spaces at the top, small enough that the teacher couldn't fit... But the students could. They reach in and grab at me, I'm screaming, kicking, crying, and they won't let go.
And then I wake up?
I'm terrified to go to sleep. I don't want to have these dreams again.
And I can't talk to anyone about them... Except you.
What is your name? How do you feel?

how do I feel? Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora