Ch. 5 Coming Over

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I hear some footsteps as I walk fast to my house not wanting to engage in a conversation or just simply talk to someone.
"Katniss!" Someone yells from behind me
"Yes?" I ask turning around
I spot Peeta running toward me and stops when he is right in front of me panting,
"Remember, I'm coming to your house today." He reminds me after catching his breathe
"Ya ok." I simply say
I twirl back around and walk a little bit until I reach my house. Once I unlock the front door with my keys I throw my backpack on the sofa and take of my green jacket. I take a seat on the sofa and unzip my red back pack. I start my homework after taking out my textbook, notebook and a pencil.
I sigh in relief as I put my books away and do a little victory dance after doing my homework. I go to my bedroom as my feet go upstairs heavily as the wood creaks. I open my white bedroom door and twist the doorknob gently. I enter and open my curtains to see Peeta on his laptop. I take a seat on my bed and grab my phone. A hear a low knock coming from outside. I tilt my head up and see Peeta holding a whiteboard

Can I come to your house know?
He writes

Ya sure :)
I reply

Yes we do know the power of technology and texting but we still write to each other. All of a sudden I hear a stern knock on the door. That must be Peeta. I walk down the stairs and open the door,
"Hey," I greet
"Hey," He responds
""Want something to drink?" I ask
"Sure, I'll fancy some tea." He says in a British accent
"Ok," I chuckle at his accent and head toward the kitchen
I pour tea into two mugs and go back to the living room and hand a mug to Peeta. He begins to drink and instantly has a sour face,
"What's wrong?" I ask
"I just don't like sugar in my tea." He tells me
"Ohh, sorry." I say
He puts down his mug on the coffee table while I make another batch of tea, this time with no sugar. I carefully pour the steaming tea into another mug and give it to Peeta,
"Thanks," He says
We continue to sip on our tea,
"What you wanna do?" Peeta asks me
"Umm, you?" Asking him hoping for any ideas
He grabs the remote control and switches on the TV. He turns around and signals me to come sit down as he pats a seat next to him. I sit down and watch as he continues to skim through channels. One of the channel reads, Mean Girls,
"MEAN GIRLS!" I exclaim
He stops at the channel as Mean Girls begins to play,
"Can we just watch a basketball game?" He asks
"No, would you want more sugar in your tea?" I ask
"Fine, what's wrong with girls and TV shows." He comments quietly
"What's wrong with boys and working out?" I mumble
He looks at me and starts tickling me,
"Peeta stop!" I yell collapsing on the couch giggling
"Take back what you said!" He teases
"Never!" I manage to get out
He continues to tickle me and finally I give up,
"Fine!" I smile
Peeta stops tickling and I sit up and breathe. At the corner of my eye I see him staring at me,
"What?" I ask
"You just smiled, for real." He grins
"And?" I ask not knowing where he is going with this
He grins once again,
"Your smiling like an idiot!" I laugh
He smiles for the 100th time and leans in, we are now inches away from each other. I am the one who leans in, he is startled at first but then kisses back. I pull away,
"You love me real or not real?" He asks
"Real." I breathe
We smile and he sneakily switches the channel to college basketball,
"Seriously?" I say
"What?" He chuckles
I get stuck watching basketball for a while not understanding anything. My eyes begin to slowly close and finally they are shut, everything goes dark and a picture fills in. I see the scene where my dad dies while I clutch Prim's hand. The rocks come falling down covering the cave. Prim, mom and I head home thinking about dad, but as it becomes night he never came back.
I feel someone shaking me, I flutter my eyes open and see Peeta staring at me with concern,
"Katniss?" He says
"Ya?" I ask
"Why were you crying?" He asks
"Just a nightmare." I reply as I wipe the almost dried out tears on my cheek. I look outside and see it's already dark, Peeta also looks outside and stands up,
"I should get going." He states
"It's really dark outside, what time is it?" I say
"Umm, it's 11:56 pm." He says checking his phone
"Well, you could stay here..." I ask
I begin to blush, why did I say that?
"Uhh ya sure." He says
I go upstairs and grab two pillows and a blanket. I come back downstairs and set them out on the sofa.
"Thanks Katniss." He smiles
"Anytime," I smile back
I walk back upstairs into my room and get into my pajamas. I flop into bed with lots of twist and turning, trying to find the cool side of the pillow. I sigh and move my blankets trying to sleep but I can't. I decide to head downstairs and get some warm milk. I carefully walk down the stairs quietly not wanting to walk Peeta up but I see the light is already open.
"I thought you were sleeping?" I say to him
"Well I couldn't sleep." He says
"Me too," I reply
We both return a warm, real smile.

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